Cobb County Sheriff's Office
Cobb County Sheriff's Office
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The Cobb County Sheriff’s Office has an entrenched historical legacy that began in 1833 when Sheriff Martin took office. Since then, our office has been committed to providing professional law enforcement services to all citizens of Cobb County through a trained, motivated, and focused work force of men and women who are dedicated to public service.
The Office of the Sheriff is mandated by the Constitution of the State of Georgia and executes a broad range of services which include, but are not limited to:
- Jail Operations
- Court Security
- Criminal Warrant Execution
- Civil Process Service
- Mental Health Transports
- Forgery/Fraud Investigation
- Fugitive Investigation and Apprehension
Home of the Atlanta Braves! Cobb County is a wonderful place to live, place roots, enjoy, and explore.
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Hiring Veterans for both Sworn and Civilian Positions!
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