Cameron US

Cameron US

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Taylor Blaeser

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Schlumberger is the world’s leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Within Schlumberger, the Cameron group provides a complete range of flow control equipment and services for onshore and offshore drilling rig systems, and production systems for conventional and unconventional applications; separation, processing, and treatment systems. The OneSubsea technology segment extends this capability to subsea production, measurement and processing systems.
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Why work here

Cameron’s industry reach is global. Therefore, your career opportunities should be as well. If you express the desire and demonstrate the ability, there’s potential for an international assignment that could be right for you. Cameron’s International Assignees are servicing the energy industry in more than 29 countries. Wherever oil and gas are to be found, Cameron is there. Your training and experience could take you around the corner, or around the world.
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Veteran hiring

At Cameron, we give every team member the ability to achieve more, more than you thought possible. More growth, more success. More reward and gratification. We want you on our team, not just because you're a veteran but because you're qualified. We want you because of the strong core values and work ethic that you've exhibited through your military career. We invite you to learn more about our organization and explore career opportunities with us.

Most recent contributors: Taylor Blaeser

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