AAFMAA Wealth Management & Trust LLC

AAFMAA Wealth Management & Trust LLC

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Aditya Thaduri

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Our Story

Serving Military Families Since 1879.

AAFMAA has one, and only one, mission: to be the premier provider of insurance, financial and survivor services to the American Armed Forces Community. Since 1879, we have never once violated our members' trust nor shirked our responsibility.

AAFMAA -- the longest-standing, not-for-profit association exclusively serving the military community -- provides financial solutions to all branches of the American Armed Forces. No stockholders to answer to. No dividends to pay shareholders. No loyalty to anyone but you.

Focusing exclusively on your needs as a military family, AAFMAA Wealth Management & Trust LLC (AWM&T) provides the most innovative, personalized and lifestyle-appropriate financial services available.

All AWM&T employees are salaried and do not receive any compensation based on their recommendations or any of the investment products used. As a chartered trust company, we have a fiduciary responsibility to you.

So whether you're currently serving on active duty, already retired, an honorably discharged veteran, or a surviving spouse, let's work together to make you financially fit.

You are unique. Only by getting to know you personally and developing a clear picture of your circumstances, objectives, and challenges can we work together to define, manage and protect your financial future.
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Why work here

We exist to serve the U.S. military community, providing personalized financial planning, investment management, and trust services. We serve military families exclusively, and are honored to do so. Many of us served in the military ourselves or are military spouses. We understand and truly appreciate military culture, and we strive to deliver our wealth management solutions with an elite level of caring, teamwork, and enthusiasm our clients deserve.
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Veteran hiring

Interested in joining our team? Reach out to any of our people here on RallyPoint to learn more about open opportunities.

Most recent contributors: LTC Steve Mannell

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How are you connected to the military?
  • Active Duty
  • Active Reserve / National Guard
  • Pre-Commission
  • Veteran / Retired
  • Civilian Supporter