American Gold Star Mothers

American Gold Star Mothers

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Ryan Callahan

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An American Gold Star Mother is a Gold Star Mother who has lost a son or daughter while serving in the military and has joined the American Gold Star Mothers, Inc organization (AGSM).
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Finding strength in the fellowship of other Gold Star Mothers who strive to keep the memory of our sons and daughters alive by working to help veterans, those currently serving in the military, their families and our communities.
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Company Overview

We're an organization of mothers who have lost a son or daughter in the service of our country.

If you're a member of the public, we participate in many memorial events around the country and you're welcome to join us

If you've lost your child in the service of the country and would like the community of others in your situation, we invite you to join us. No one knows how you feel like another mother who has lost a child.

Most recent contributors: Ryan Callahan

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