Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP)
Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP)
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The 75th Ranger Regiment seeks highly motivated, physically fit and intelligent Soldiers to serve within its ranks. Successful Ranger candidates are self-starters who possess the dedication to be three time volunteers; first volunteering for service in the Army, volunteering for Airborne School, and volunteering by requesting assignment to the 75th Ranger Regiment.
After completion of Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT), new recruits will most likely move on to three weeks of Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA, learning how to safely conduct Airborne Operations.* Immediately following Airborne School volunteers will move to the Ranger Assessment and Selection facility, taking their final steps to becoming a U.S. Army Ranger. (*Some volunteers will only receive Airborne School after successfully completing RASP 1.)
RASP is broken down into two levels of training: RASP 1 for Junior Non-Commissioned Officers and Enlisted Soldiers (pay grades E-1 through E-5) and RASP 2 for Senior Non-Commissioned Officers, Officers and Warrant Officers. Candidates will train on physical fitness, marksmanship, small unit tactics, medical proficiency and mobility. Training is fast-paced and intense, ensuring Ranger candidates are prepared to employ their skills in both continued training and worldwide operations upon reaching their assigned Ranger unit. Throughout the course all candidates will be screened to ensure that only the best Soldiers are chosen for service in the Ranger Regiment. Regardless of the course, all candidates must meet the course requirements in order to serve in the Ranger Regiment.
Most recent contributors: CPT Michael Brodka