Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB)

Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB)

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SSG Andy Adame

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"The purpose of the EIB is to recognize Infantrymen who have demonstrated a mastery of critical tasks. These tasks build on the foundation of individual proficiency, allowing them to locate, close with, and destroy the enemy."

Source: USAIS PAM 350-6/Ch. 1 Expert Infantryman Badge (19 March 2021)
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What you learn

Land Navigation. Land Navigation tests the ability of Candidates to navigate from one point to another using a map and compass while equipped with their individual combat gear. This is the second graded event they will undertake, demonstrating their proficiency under both day and night conditions. Land Navigation testing will be conducted in accordance with TC 3-25.26.

Individual Testing Stations. The Individual Testing Stations are the third graded event and tests a Candidate’s proficiency in a variety of Infantry skills. Individual Testing Stations are re-testable but Candidates must pass each Individual Testing Station in order to continue.

12-Mile Foot March and Final Event. The 12-Mile Foot March and Final Event are the last events in the EIB test. Candidates must complete the 12-Mile route in three hours or less and then complete the Final Event in five minutes or less. Both events will be conducted according to the standards established in this publication, with additional standards for the 12-Mile Foot March outlined in ATP 3-21.18.
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How to prepare

How can you prepare for this school?

Most recent contributors: SSG Andy Adame

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