Defense Strategy Course (DSC)

Defense Strategy Course (DSC) graduates | RallyPoint

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Has anyone here graduated from the Reserve Component National Security Course (RCNSC)?

An O-6 recommend that I take this course recently announced in the latest Milper Message. To take this course, you must opt-in on the HRC home page. The schoolhouse then vets all the applicants and narrows it down to a small number that gets invited to attend the course in Washington DC in 2019. I h...
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Education Resource by RallyPoint »

Looking for information about the Army War Colledge Defense Strategy Course (DSC)?

I'm scheduled to start the Defense Strategy Course this July. I'm interested to hear from people who took it already and hear what its like. Time expectations, home work involved, etc. Also, has anyone use that material in their jobs, and if so, what was the reason?
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