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Contemporary Insurgency Warfare Course
Posted on Jun 22, 2017
Peasant Roles in Insurgency and Counterinsurgency: A Brief Historical Analysis | Small Wars...
Interesting read in just how spreadout the read itself is! Actually had a college course that used Peasant Wars of the 20th Century as one of its books - being as such was the Cold War.

Peasant Roles in Insurgency and Counterinsurgency: A Brief Historical Analysis | Small Wars...
Posted from smallwarsjournal.comPosted in these groups:
Cold WarContemporary Insurgency Warfare Course
COIN (Counterinsurgency)
Military History

Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
Posted >1 y ago
LTC Eric Udouj thanks for the most interesting read/share a must read:
Peasant Roles in Insurgency and Counterinsurgency: A Brief Historical Analysis
John Zambri
Insurgency and counterinsurgency has become the norm in modern military conflict and has been well documented. What has been less well documented, although an integral and central part of insurgencies and counterinsurgencies is the role that peasant populations played in the emergence, evolution, and ultimate success or failure of either as a strategy. Insurgency has existed throughout history. Development of counterinsurgency methods and application has ebbed and flowed in its effectiveness. Although many studies have been initiated, the role and impact of the peasantry has been largely overlooked. This work attempts to re-conceptualize the peasant factor in counterinsurgency solutions and outcomes relative to influence and impact insurgency and counterinsurgency had in Malaya, Philippines, and Vietnam. In so doing this work seeks to advance institutional knowledge on the counterinsurgency relationship dynamic, between peasants and counterinsurgents, as relates to counterinsurgency operations involved in supporting the legitimacy of local governments, the limitation of support for the insurgency, and the elimination of insurgent leadership.
LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C.
Peasant Roles in Insurgency and Counterinsurgency: A Brief Historical Analysis
John Zambri
Insurgency and counterinsurgency has become the norm in modern military conflict and has been well documented. What has been less well documented, although an integral and central part of insurgencies and counterinsurgencies is the role that peasant populations played in the emergence, evolution, and ultimate success or failure of either as a strategy. Insurgency has existed throughout history. Development of counterinsurgency methods and application has ebbed and flowed in its effectiveness. Although many studies have been initiated, the role and impact of the peasantry has been largely overlooked. This work attempts to re-conceptualize the peasant factor in counterinsurgency solutions and outcomes relative to influence and impact insurgency and counterinsurgency had in Malaya, Philippines, and Vietnam. In so doing this work seeks to advance institutional knowledge on the counterinsurgency relationship dynamic, between peasants and counterinsurgents, as relates to counterinsurgency operations involved in supporting the legitimacy of local governments, the limitation of support for the insurgency, and the elimination of insurgent leadership.
LTC Stephen F. LTC Stephen C.
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