Servicemembers at Worcester, MA | RallyPoint
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Logo uploaded by: LTC Stephen Curlee

Worcester, MA
Top Influencers in this Group

Army National Guard | (Other / Not listed)
Regional Manager at Region 4A Medical Reserve Corps

Army Reserve | Clinical Laboratory
Platoon Leader / Executive Officer at A Co, 405th CSH, 804th MED BDE, 3rd MEDCOM (MCDS)

Army National Guard | Human Resources Officer
Battalion Personnel Officer (S1) at 1-181 IN, 26th MEB, Massachusetts ARNG, MILPAC Region I

Army Reserve | Health Services Administration
Company Commander at A Co, 309th CSH, 804th MED BDE, 3rd MEDCOM (MCDS)

Army | Human Resources Officer
Resource Development Officer at City of Worcester (Government Administration)

Army National Guard | Transportation Officer
Platoon Leader at 1166th Transpo, 164th Transpo, 151st RSG, Massachusetts ARNG

Army | Field Artillery Officer
Assistant Battalion Operations Officer (S3) at WPI, Massachusetts, 2nd ROTC BDE, USACC