Connect with members currently in Puerto Rico, PR
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Logo uploaded by: SGT(P) Antonio Camacho Ortiz

Puerto Rico, PR
Top Influencers in this Group

Army | General Medical Officer
Msdical Diirector Belaval Diagnostic and Treatment Center at San Juan County

Army National Guard | Field Artillery Officer
Range Control Officer at Camp Santiago Joint Manuever Training Site

Army Reserve | Quartermaster Officer
Realty Specialist at GSA Contract Services (Government Administration)

Army Reserve | Multifunctional Logistician
Company Commander at 346th Transpo, 210th RSG, 1st MSC, USARC

Army Reserve | Health Services Administration
70H at 378th Minimal Care Det, 804th MED BDE, 3rd MEDCOM (MCDS), USARC

Army National Guard | Indirect Fire Infantryman (Mortarman)
Student Intern at Altol Enterprises Management Corp

Air National Guard | Commander, Cadet Squadron, USAFA
Group finance officer at SER PRWG 602

Army National Guard | All Source Intelligence
Battalion Intelligence Officer (S2) at HHC, 292nd CSSB, 101st TC, Puerto Rico ARNG

Army National Guard | Senior Maintenance Supervisor
Senior Logisitc NCO at G-4 (ODCSLOG)