Lowry AFB, CO

Lowry AFB, CO

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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter

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Lowry AFB, CO

This was a great place to be assigned, the base had everything. The Denver area in Colorado was outstanding always a lot to see and do. It was so disappointing to See the closure of Lowry AFB Near where Lowry had been though is the current Buckley AFB, CO which was approx a 20 minute drive from Lowry. Shown here is the current static display B52 in front of the Rocky Moutain Air Museum on the former Lowry AFB, CO
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Things to do here

It pretty much unlimited the things in this area of Denver metro area and the surrounding Rocky Mountains and anywhere in Colorado. its a great area and there is too much to even begin describing here. Except for seashore You can find any type of country You want here. The natural wonders, the cities, the towns, recreation, its all here.
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Things to avoid here

What are some things to avoid here?

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Advice for those moving here

What advice would you share for those considering moving here?

Most recent contributors: SMSgt Lawrence McCarter

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