Fort Riley, KS
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Fort Riley, KS
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Fort Riley is a community rich in tradition, culture, and history. Situated in the beautiful Flint Hills and at the confluence of the Republican and Kansas rivers, this post was instrumental during the Civil War and as protective overreach during many different settlement periods.

Advice for those moving here
Be ready to "do as the Roman's do." Many times Soldiers come to Fort Riley and assume that because we are the breadbasket, there is nothing to do. However, if you are willing to look and to try new things, there are so many great and new experiences to be had in Kansas. Kansas and Fort Riley are communities deep set in history, culture, community, and family. As they say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." What I mean when referencing this is that Kansas may not have those things that you are used to seeing right around every corner if you are from a big city, but there are things that you may have never tried before. We have many cultural festivals throughout the year, 26 state parks that show a very diverse geography, hundreds of museums of all types, plenty of open space for thrill seekers who enjoy skydiving, ziplines, ATVs, and more, lots of outdoor trails, lakes, hunting areas, places to camp, antiquing, shopping, plenty of scenic byways, haunted tours (guided and unguided), and so much more!
Most recent contributors: SGT Katrina Clark