Visiting my xhusband today; he is an active CDL driver for one of the top 10 logistic companies in the US. Decided to have a cup of coffee. Even after adding cream & sugar, it's so strong that it coating my teeth & tounge with hair and my eyes popped open like my brain was stabbed. wtf LMAO
Posted 4 mo ago
Responses: 2
I like my strong but not strong enough to walk away by itself!
Bethina Lee
4 mo
Omg, I thought my eyes were gonna pop out of my head...lmao..I definitely woke the hell up after one sip..and I have a "tiny tea service cup" and of course he has a 1 gallon jug drinking it like water lol
Posted 4 mo ago
Yes! My coffee should be so strong as to be able to carry my butt home!
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