Posted on Feb 27, 2015
SPC Johnny Velazquez, PhD
I have spoken with other vets regarding this topic, and they have indicated that in some States, they are addressed as such. I personally don't feel it's right, as I served in Germany from 62 to 65, and not in Country.

What is your take on this?
Posted in these groups: Vietnam service ribbon Vietnam War
Edited 10 y ago
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CPT Jack Durish
To be fair, anyone who served in the military during the time of the Vietnam War had a chance of going there. Furthermore, anyone in uniform during that time was subject to the same abuse back home. You were just as likely to be called a "Baby Killer" and have pig's blood thrown on you regardless of where you were stationed or what your MOS was.

However, there is a distinction. Vietnam Era Vets are not Vietnam Vets. Those who served in Germany or Alabama weren't exposed to enemy fire or Agent Orange. Let's not blur the lines...
SPC Matt Ovaska
SPC Matt Ovaska
5 mo
Congress has NOT declared war since WWII. Vietnam was just another conflict that we lost.
SPC Paul Eiden
SPC Paul Eiden
5 mo
SPC Matt Ovaska - Even though a conflict it still war as were the conflicts in the middle east since. As said before even though you were not in the war zones you still were available to be called on at any time. Hell, right out of basic in the Army sat on duffle bags for 3 days while the bay of pigs was going on. Anyone served in our military should be able to be era kind of vets with honor!!!!
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
7 d
SPC Matt Ovaska -
" Vietnam was just another conflict"?
When Some SOB'S Trying To Kill Me & I'm Doing The Same To Him,
It's A "WAR" ~ Call It What You May The Results Are Identical ~
PO3 John Blackatone
PO3 John Blackatone
6 d
I render a slow hand salute to all that served. In my mind, the acid test is if you earned the “Vietnam Campaign Medal”. One had to earn that before the the “Republic of Vietnam” medal. As a Vietnam veteran, I hold no ill feeling towards those that served in other capacities.
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PO1 Joan (Tipka) (Plummer) Fisher
No! Vietnam Vets Earned the exclusive right to call themselves that. It would be another slap in the face to them to call someone who served in Europe a Vietnam Vet. Only those who endured the hardships should be called that.
Cpl Edward Allen
Cpl Edward Allen
9 mo
So I was ORDERED to Iwakuni to stage for NAM, but while there word came down the the war may be getting close to an end. But that didn't stop me from breaking my back and being sent stateside in a body cast. I saw some of those men when they came back and to me, there is just something special I carry in my heart for all of them, even tho I should have gone. Out of respect for those who made it back, I refer to myself as a Vietnam Era Marine (Veteran). There's just a difference!
LT William Pellegrini
LT William Pellegrini
5 mo
PFC Kay Armstrong - Hmm. Ms. Miller, you were in the Armed Services at a time that others were serving in Vietnam. You are not a "veteran" of that particular war. Although you sound as if you wanted to go to Vietnam and do what you could to help the men who were on the front lines. That would have made you a Vietnam Veteran. You have nothing to be ashamed of as you did the tasks you were assigned, but you are not a Veteran of the Vietnam War. And being a Veteran of the Vietnam War was looked down upon by a very large number of people who didn't serve one day in the Armed Forces of the United States. After all they were too busy enjoying the benefits of not serving, right? Benefits that people like you and me made possible by our service in the Armed Forces of the United States. OhhhRAH!
SGT Robert Urbaniak
SGT Robert Urbaniak
7 d
It was called the Vietnam War, and for those that were there it was a WAR.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
7 d
Cpl Edward Allen -
I AGREE ~ Same Here
" there is just something special I carry in my heart for all of them, even though I should have gone. Out of respect for those who made it back, I refer to myself as a Vietnam Era Marine (Veteran). There's just a difference"!
THAT'S a "B I N G O " Right On Target
USAF 1961 - 1965 , Old Timer SOB ~~ Est: "6 YEARS Older Than Dirt"
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SGT Infantryman (Airborne)
Absolutely Not! Vietnam era vets weren't there and in no way are Vietnam Vets. I saw on Medals of America website, there is a Nam era medal for them. How silly is that? I couldn't wear that medal. It doesn't stand for anything, except you were in the military while the war was going on. Why you weren't there, I'll never understand.
SPC Paul Eiden
SPC Paul Eiden
5 mo
A1C James Plowden - Even though a conflict it still war as were the conflicts in the middle east since. As said before even though you were not in the war zones you still were available to be called on at any time. Hell, right out of basic in the Army sat on duffle bags for 3 days while the bay of pigs was going on. Anyone served in our military should be able to be era kind of vets with honor!!!!
SPC Matt Ovaska
SPC Matt Ovaska
5 mo
the longest day was the day I finally boarded a jet in Cam Ranh Bay. I shed a tear of joy when we landed in Ft Lewis. It dried up when I got off that plane. You can label me with what ever makes you feel good. I made it back! Alive, without a purple heart. Sad because I lost brothers who didn't make it. Time to move on.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
7 d
A1C James Plowden -
Cuban Crisis ! Little Rock AFB, (SAC) Jacksonville, Arkansas
Where Everyone Worked 12 Hour Shifts ~ No Days Off ~ Airmen Loading B-52's With Nukes, And Fighter Jets On The Alert Pads, While Too Damned Busy To Be Terrified.
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
SGT Lorenzo Nieto
1 d
I went first after I got out of a army hospital in Hawaii and reassigned they sent my brother from Korea crazy.
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