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Responses: 13
SGT Maria Q.
He's right. The liberal media is stoking the racial fires by constantly making it seem like white people are just oppressing everyone. Women marching and crying for equal rights, last I heard we have already have equal rights.... I am Hispanic and I feel that the media is dividing our country with the immigration rhetoric, if you are here illegally then you are a criminal. Everything on facebook has to do with cops killing blacks, but forget how many cops get killed and injured daily. The media constantly talking about poor innocent illegals are being deported etc etc. The political correctness has gotten out of hand and the sensitive ass people are taking over. When did it become a crime to want to hold people responsible for their choices and actions?. Everyone has equal rights now, slavery is in the past. The system is still not perfect but if you educate yourself, work hard, and live an honest life you can become extremely successful in this country regardless of color race or creed. The supposedly racist white nationalists have as much freedom of speech as the blm movement and the anti trumpers. As long as they don't destroy property and physically hurt anyone, I don't give a dam if they march. Freedom of speech isn't only for people we agree with.....
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
7 y
Well said
SGT Maria Q.
SGT Maria Q.
7 y
Maj Marty Hogan - thank you sir
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
7 y
SGT Maria Q. - part of the diversion politicians love. We do not focus on the issue and people lose their minds. Just reading the threads there are a few people that should check thei
Maj Marty Hogan
Maj Marty Hogan
7 y
whoop s. Check their egos and remember their training which by their rank they should have gotten.
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SSgt Ray Stone
Domestic Terrorism
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
T The current administration policy seems to be that if White people do it it is not terrorism
SGT Maria Q.
SGT Maria Q.
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - I don't know where you get your info. I have the feeling you are just anti-white people, but you are entitled to your opinion, its called freedom of expression. They're plenty of other racist groups including BLM and the Muslim Student assoc. but the media doesn't dare criticize them for fear of getting backlash from liberal nutbags. But the midterm elections will show you who really cares about this country.. the silent majority will speak loud and clear then....
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
7 y
What info did I get wrong? Those groups w you mention were not the folk the terrorist tagged and compare to a centuty and a half of KKK terror and the mega-deaths the Nazis were are reponsble for they are petty criminals. I am hardly anti- whitell other than in you delsions. I just belive that all men are created equal and I rember my oath to defend that principle even if you have so obviously forgotten it.
SGT Maria Q.
SGT Maria Q.
7 y
1stSgt Nelson Kerr - by putting race into it. You said that if white people do it its not called terrorism. I don't see domestic terrorism i see people who are protesting statues getting removed. whether you agree or not its not terrorism. It escalated into a riot because of the ignorant race baiting from all sides but especially coming from the left with their identity politics. Its all toxic and wrong regardless of what "side" you are on. If blacks march its called civil activism even if they call for the killing of whites and cops. but if white people dare to do it, then its terrorism. sad state of affairs..... this country will burn if people keep doing this.
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SPC Erich Guenther
Edited 7 y ago
I think he put two and two together and saw the planning for this event by the Democrats was done in a way to encourage confrontation. 1. Event held on a Saturday. 2. No seperation of diametrically opposed protest groups and both protests approved for same day. 3. National Guard at the ready (notice how quickly they mobilized and appeared). To me it looked like a staged confrontation all they needed was a few idiots to show up. 4. Neither permit revoked when it became clear large numbers of people were being bussed in.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
7 y
I see it the same way. It's interesting that was have sanctuary cities and States where the elected officials are never held accountable but officials at the State level authorize an event and the blame deflects directly toward the Executive Leader??
SPC Erich Guenther
SPC Erich Guenther
7 y
LTC (Join to see) - Yeah the other thing was.........notice all the Democrats on the ready right after the mee-lee broke out that went on the Major Television networks to comment and demand Trump do something. You can google KKK infiltration of Southern Heritage groups..........started under Clinton and accelerated under Bush and Obama. In fact I do not remember reading about ANY KKK prosecutions under Attorney General Eric Holder or President Obama much more focused on gun control issues...........and now look.
CSM Charles Hayden
CSM Charles Hayden
7 y
Bussed in?
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