Galeta Island is a remote point near the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal. It was used for strategic communication and intelligence research by the U.S. Navy beginning in the 1930s. In 1959 it became a Naval Security Group Activity (NSGA) and a Wullenweber antenna array was constructed on the site. It became a state-of-the-art Cold War defense facility – part of a worldwide network of signal intelligence analysis.

Galeta Island, Panama Canal Zone
Posted from galetaisland.com
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 4
Posted 6 y ago
My old stomping ground. I got there as it was coming out of caretaker status. One of my favorite duty stations. A lot of history there. There were a lot of old Canal Zone buildings and old abandoned bases to explore. Fort Randolph was just down the road. Great fishing there too.
We had a Marine security Det and an Army Field Station co-located with us. I had a couple Army roommates for a while, that was interesting. The barracks had multiple entry points, made it easy for local national females to come to our rooms...lol. The main road went right by our barracks. When we were still drinking off the Eve/Swing watch we would throw water filled condoms out our windows at the Army as they ran by during their morning PT.
Fun times.
We had a Marine security Det and an Army Field Station co-located with us. I had a couple Army roommates for a while, that was interesting. The barracks had multiple entry points, made it easy for local national females to come to our rooms...lol. The main road went right by our barracks. When we were still drinking off the Eve/Swing watch we would throw water filled condoms out our windows at the Army as they ran by during their morning PT.
Fun times.
Posted 6 y ago
I picked this up at a used bookstore some time ago, I wasn't sure if you'd ever seen it....
I picked this up at a used bookstore some time ago, I wasn't sure if you'd ever seen it....

Arrays Of Cylindrical Dipoles Download
In this book, first published in 1968, King and his co-authorsdevelop a theory of the behaviour of arrays of rod-shaped antennassuch as are used to achieve...
Posted 6 y ago
That, I really.do find interesting on multiple technical.and historical levels, quite good catch....
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