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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 16, 2022
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Responses: 17
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Russia doesn't and never has given a rip about civilians RallyPoint Shared Content
MAJ Bob Miyagishima
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
>1 y
Although It's A Dangerous Situation, PUTIN Must Be Stopped Or He'll Just Keep Going...
That's What HITLER Did.. Nobody Stopped Him & He Murdered Millions Because He Could; And Nobody Slapped His Ass Until It Was Almost To Late...
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Thanks for sharing.
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SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
Thanks for sharing.
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War in Ukraine: A hellish situation for civilians
SSG John Oliver
I know there's 1SGs and SGTMAJs foaming at the mouth seeing those roled sleeves and covers hahaha
GySgt Kenneth Pepper
GySgt Kenneth Pepper
>1 y
Too funny.....but true.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
Well they can rant and rave all they want... They have no authority to yell at external armies about anything
SSG John Oliver
SSG John Oliver
>1 y
Cpl Benjamin Long That's my point! LOL
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
SSG John Oliver I know right...
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SrA Ronald Moore
Keep us posted
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CPL Sheila Lewis
A nation will fight for its right of sovereignty and Ukraine is no different.
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CW3 Richard McManus
Ukraine the most corrupt nation governed by a Nazi oligarch.

Putin had no other options regarding invading Ukraine

The US had help conduct a coup which outed the elected president of Ukraine.
The US had been supplying weapons and US Army trainers to improve the Ukrainian Army and peace talks were used to delay this building up of Ukraine's Army. The US deployed missiles that could hit Moscow giving Putin little time to react. Since 2014 the Nazi Ukrainian Army had been attacking the Dunbas (easter Ukraine) where most of the people speak Russian and have the same religion and culture as Russians living in Russia. Most Ukrainians hate Russians. This sounds crazy to Americans. They blame Russians for all their bad luck in life.

The Biden administration will never admit they made a terrible mistake. It now appears that 350,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed and three times as many wounded/disabled. The depleted uranium weapons sent to Ukraine from the UK was destroyed by a Russian attack and as a result some 50 square miles of farmland will be unusable for the next 15 years until the radiation decays.
The radiation threat came from the Khmelnitsky region, where an Iranian manufactured, loitering drone on 13 May destroyed the 649th aircraft depot 160 miles east of the Poland border inside Ukraine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV_V73dr9Xo

Biden has lied to us. Russia is winning.
Biden, Sec/State Blinken and et al have been lying to Americans by telling us that with just a few more billions of dollars and just a few more tanks to be given to the corrupt Nazi government of Ukraine, they will win this war.

But Russia has killed some 350,000 Ukrainian soldiers and three times as many wounded/disabled. Russia has destroyed ALL of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft defenses. Ukraine is kidnapping teenagers forcing them to the front lines. Russia kills 10 to 14 Ukrainian soldiers for every Russian who gets killed.

Biden has the duty to be honest and it is un-Constitutional to make war without a declaration of war.


Richard McManus
Chief Warrant Officer-3/counterintelligence special agent (more like an FBI agent than CIA officer), US Army retired, combat paramedic South Vietnam, BS psychology and nursing, Everett, WA,
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MAJ Ken Landgren
I have worked in the US National Disaster Planning field and am compelled to advise the Ukrainian Government. National disasters can be natural or man-made. The war and the prosecution of it by the Russians has created conditions for an immense man-made disaster which impacts shelter, food and water, heating, electricity, medical capacity, and other essential services. The US National Disaster Plan is called the National Response Framework (NRF). I firmly believe the NRF will be of utmost importance especially as winter is rolling in. In a nutshell it delves into creating a Task Force, communicating, planning, coordinating, and execution of plans. These are the pivotal tenets of the NRF:

a. It specifies leadership roles and a chain of command of a Task Force dedicated in the immense endeavor to support people across Ukraine.
b. It specifies the creation of a Task Force and enumerates relevant organizations from disparate agencies of the government, NGOs, and regional authorities to better support first responders and entities who have direct contact with people in need of support.
c. It creates an atmosphere of vertical and horizontal communication to establish the commonality of the larger picture by communicating the roles and responsibilities of the disparate entities. It is a great forum for agencies and entities to expound on their institutional knowledge and recommendations to include facilitating rapid communications from the experts. The NFR definitely espouses a holistic and comprehensive approach to national disaster planning.
The forum streamlines the process of communicating the many needs of the regional authorities and first responders to the Task Force and government for resourcing. This is often done by Liaison Officers who are embedded at various levels.

The Task Force facilitates continuous effective, flexible, and fluid decision making. For example, after Hurricane Katrina devastated the city of New Orleans there existed a need for transportation capacity to move victims out of the city which became an issue. If the Task Force was established, then the New Orleans city authorities would have communicated the hundreds of city buses in their possession to alleviate the problem.
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PFC Ronald Rozewski
Despite what serves as "coverage" of the Ukraine situation, I feel that I remain in the dark…
Perhaps since I don't have a TV and am missing the coverage?
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SSG James Knopp
This is one war NATO and the US cannot afford to loose.
Putin cannot continue this insane war and unless we unleash the “Kraken” on him he will continue to obliterate Ukraine and its cities. NATO needs to stand toe to toe with this madman and hold him accountable for the carnage he is has and will continue to create.
He uses the threat of nuclear war if we intervene, but enough is enough. The Russian people do not want to see the world in a nuclear confrontation, I believe, anymore then the US and it’s NATO allies.
Seeing how well Ukrainians are taking the fight to Russia I’m sure “Putin the Punk” realizes now he stepped on a yellow jacket nest.
That being said and seeing how unprepared the Russia war machine is, the US would of opened up a can of woop ass on Putin and his war machine.
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