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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Oct 22, 2014
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Responses: 249
CW2 Information Services Technician
If it's ok to be gay, then it should be ok to be transgender? What people do in their off time is not important to me, as long as they can shoot and stand their ground when the time comes.
CW2 Information Services Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
10 y
Also, I don't know if anyone else has noticed,ever since the DADT policy was repealed, the gay fad has decreased exponentially in the military. No that people are allowed to be gay, they don't seem to advertise their sexuality like they used to. I believe it was a solid decision and has worked out very well.
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CPT Jason Torpy
Hopefully the US military will follow lots and lots of other militaries who have found it pretty simple to accommodate gender diversity and even gender changes. Having the wrong gender is a complicated mental and physical issue, but it's not worse than a lot of the conditions covered under military medical insurance. And the benefit is a happy and healthy service member.
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SSgt E/E Craftsman
All who care to serve should be free to, regardless of race, sex, or religion.

I draw a line when people want to "alter" the service to suit how they want to live, i.e. making weed legal for people in the service. The things that are, and are not, legal for many service members are there for a reason.

So does being transgender effect how you work? No. Let them serve!
SSgt E/E Craftsman
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Major Young,

I completely agree that CITIZENS should have full rights to join. My opinions on ILLEGAL immigrants is pretty strict, as I believe being here illegally is just like breaking a federal law. A nationalized immigrant, or someone who uses the proper channels to become a citizen, thats different. I work with citizens of other nations (a couple from Jamaica, one from South Africa) who got their dual citizenship and work jets with me. I have no issues with that at all. Its just the illegal ones, sorry if I wasn't clear lol.

I see your point with services, but they do far more things than cook, clean, and mow lawns at times. Many of them drive DV's around, some run gym programs (like PT tests) that require a lot of organization, and so forth. Security Forces I believe is the "lowest" for general ASVAB scores with a 33 in general to join, which is really easy to score. My point being that a high school diploma/GED is NOT much to ask from someone who wants to join the service; especially when all services are pushing education more and more. About half the E-5's or above I work with have an associates or higher, a few have bachelors, and one is working on her masters. So when a service has such highly qualified and educated individuals, how can they be expected to take people who didn't graduate high school?
SSgt E/E Craftsman
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
I see your point CPT Barden, but with the changes to homosexual policy I'd think that would be moot. I know in the AF we have co-ed dormatories and things, but how would a transgender male (male turned female) be different from a lesbian in a billeting situation? Though I do see how this would get pretty complicated
PV2 Abbott Shaull
PV2 Abbott Shaull
10 y
As has been stated it not going to be easy at the lowest levels, where it going have to work. The next problem, is you have person in a unit for year, then they move on, then... The Leadership from the bottom up the chain of the command will have to work together to sort things out. Just because 2nd Lt Jones has problems, doesn't mean that Captain Roberts doesn't have the same problem, as well as Lt. Colonel Gilford. They all have the same problem in their command, and may have to work with the Battalion to solve an issue that used to be a Company level problem, when billeting comes around for Enlisted personnel in barracks.
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
SSgt Kevin Hopkins
>1 y
jd i couldnt agree more
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A1C Aircrew Flight Equipment Apprentice
"It's a new military.", If they want to join, why stop them? I don't care who you are or what you look like, if you care enough to want to fight for your country, I don't think anyone should stop you.
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
10 y
1LT Scott Doyle, I understand where you are coming from and that there is no simple solution. But imagine if someone told you that you were unable to marry your wife because that was against military rules and that having a spouse would complicate things like deployments. I ask you, if that was the case, would you just quietly serve 20 years and then marry, or would you act and do something about it?
SA D Joseph Ruffin
SA D Joseph Ruffin
10 y
I'm sure they have something they could offer. Like getting intel from drunk foreign soldiers.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
10 y
"I do question forcing other people to be uncomfortable and inconvenienced in the name of equality or progress or whatever we are calling it now."

A whole lot of people felt uncomfortable and/or inconvenienced in the name of equality or progress when "Blacks" were granted the same rights as "Whites". Theoretically you should be questioning that decision as well - but I HIGHLY suspect that you don't.

I do, however, agree with your implied thesis that a whole lot of "the problem" is caused by those who wail, moan, and wave their hands in the air because they THINK that there SHOULD BE a problem while the people directly concerned simply don't have one until they are told that they do.

This is NOT an endorsement of sexual abuse, but there are some studies out there which show that the degree of harm done by sexual abuse is almost directly related to how much the victim is told that they are going to be irreparably harmed - the actual extent of the sexual abuse is the other main factor and MUST NOT be ignored.
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
SSgt Nicole Biscoe
10 y
1LT Scott Doyle, I respect your opinion on the matter but disagree with you completely. It is exactly like marriage... what if I don't agree with marriage or religion? Is it fair that I have those issues forced upon me? Either way, I'm not going to argue with you on the matter... you have your opinion and I have mine. My separation paperwork has officially came through so it really doesn't matter to me at this point... moving on :) Good luck to you all and hopefully I can continue to keep you all safe as a woman in my new civilian job career!
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CPL Bernie Glasgow
I say we worry about ISIS and stop worrying about chicks with dicks.. IMHO
SGT Team Leader
SGT (Join to see)
10 y
Well, bluntly, maybe so.
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
10 y
Somebody say chicks with dicks?
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LCDR Gordon Brown
Political Correctness IS destroying this country.
A1C Kenneth Crocker
A1C Kenneth Crocker
10 y
LCDR Gordon Brown
LCDR Gordon Brown
10 y
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
10 y
Actually it isn't "political correctness" so much as "I will only take positions which I know will ensure me gaining more support than taking them loses me at that particular point in time and will take exactly the opposite position later if I believe that doing so will gain me more support than it loses me - but I will always have the freedom to take some other position at some other time if doing that increases the support I have.".

I heard the Police Chief from Cleveland (or possibly Chicago) on the radio the other day after his own Police Union voted 99% "No Confidence" in him because he fired a Police Officer who shot someone 14 times and then claimed "Self Defence". The Police Chief's position was that 14 times was WELL BEYOND the boundaries of "Self Defence".

The Police Chief was responding to criticism over the fact that he had answered his cell phone while attending a community meeting organized by people who were upset simply because a White Police Officer had shot an unarmed Black teenager 14 times.

The Police Chief said that the call had been as a result of a (Black) five year old girl being shot in the head and killed during a drive-by shooting (carried out by Blacks) and that he had finally exploded and excoriated both the media and the "Greyhound Demonstrators" for completely ignoring the fact that over 80% of homicides in his city were "Black on Black", over 80% of the violent crimes in his city were "Black on Black", and over 80% of the crime in general in his city was "Black on Black". He challenged his audience to name any three murder victims (excluding the young fellow shot the 14 times) from the past month and his audience was completely unable to do so.

After all it isn't really news/important when a Black male kills a Black male - is it? (I mean it won't increase circulation and hence revenue will it?)

But it's the end of the Universe if a White Male kills a Black male - right? (I mean it will increase circulation and hence revenue won't it?)
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A1C Kenneth Crocker
no they should not be allowed if your transgender u obviously have mental issues with self identification so sever as to outwardly change the very nature the core of your being and if your that unstable your not needed and all the issues that would stem from this how are you gonna do basic with a guy whos a girl or a girl whos a guy there is enough sexual harassment issues allready
A1C Kenneth Crocker
A1C Kenneth Crocker
10 y
no its not a medical opinion its mine i dont hate on them though i keep my mouth shut im not rude or mean its just my opinion could i be wrong yep happens alot considering im human still dosent change the fact that at the very core of this issue it dosent sit right with me call it morals besides the world aint fair and u just have to get over it
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
PO1 Autumn Sandeen
10 y
A1C Kenneth Crocker, that's the point. As we used to say in the Navy, "Opinions are like assholes: everyone has one."

If I were serving now, I would want to serve with professionals, not Beavis and Butthead. The military services do best when they don't cater to the lowest common denominator.
PO3 Christopher Saucedo
PO3 Christopher Saucedo
10 y
Well if transgenders and homosexuals should not be let into the military then neither should people who cannot read or write using proper English regardless if they have a High School diploma. Everyone should be entitled to serve in the military as long as they have the ability to do so. For a moment let us look at previous error in thinking when it came to military performance. For many years African Americans were thought to be inferior to Caucasians in their performance in military duty. It was believed that because they were black they were not smart enough to perform the duties that a white soldier could. Take a look at how the Tuskegee Airmen were treated when their unit was first created. So how is saying a group of people that are homosexual or transgender cannot perform in the military any different that saying African American troops are inferior to their Caucasian counterparts? Simply put, it is no different at all.
A1C Kenneth Crocker
A1C Kenneth Crocker
10 y
nice straw man so now i guess im racist lol either way its against my up bringing so call it what u will i still wont like it sorry im not mean to these kinds of people as a matter of fact im as nice to them as anyone i just dont agree and im not talking about gays even though i disagree there too im only speaking on transgender i think its a slap to gods face but isnt it wonderfull we can speak our minds in this country and yeah agree ith you 100 % if u cant speak and write english i wouldnt want you in my millitary how would i give u orders without a translator i say we need to stop bending over backwards for every one and knock more basics in the dirt at basic its not hard enough
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SGT Rick Ash
If they can't make up their mind about their sexuality I don't want to be in combat with them. They should NOT be accepted for military service. If I find one out I will report them within the hour. No, No, No! Can't believe no one has replied to this original post in a year! And male to female is 90%? So they had their _ _ _ _ cut off to do this? Shudder! And Command Post, remember that you asked for comments. Let them go enlist in Denmark, probably no social stigma there at all....
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
9 y
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA - No, nothing missing here. I am a Christian, married for 43 years, served in the ARMY from 73-79 and currently part of the Food Pantry staff that services the underprivileged every Friday. As one of our many ministries we visit the area hospitals and Assisted Living facilities mid week and Sunday after services to provide Communion. My wife raises Foundation Bloodline AQHA horses for sale at 2 years old and broken gently to ride. I am the owner of a Systems Integration firm with offices in 14 states. This is the fourth firm I have started, I started 3 others since 1980 and after 7 years, sold those. I maintain certifications to resell products from over thirty companies like IBM, HP and Cisco. I am a member of the local Lions Club, VFW and American Legion. On Saturdays, my wife and I like to saddle a couple of horses and ride the trails we created here on our 101 acre farm using our ATV's and SxS's. I am blessed in the fact that at my age ( I'm 62 ) both of my parents are still alive and live less than a mile away. We visit them about every other night plus we are all members of the same church. Several nights a week I build PC's from the case on up, those are all running in a rack here in my office doing folding of proteins for cancer research. ( Look up Folding at Home or FAH ), you will see that I am currently in 13th place. THAT project is near and dear to our hearts as I am currently surviving pancreatic cancer. The odds are NOT good. I am a part time farmer too, I plant 40 acres of soybeans every spring and harvest those every fall. We just harvested about 3 weeks ago and through the winter can ride our horses wide open through the empty fields. We have a 2cd home in Estes Park, CO and after Mom & Dad pass that is where we will move. We lead a very full life.
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
9 y
Sgt Rick Ash... I am honored on your faith and testimony! Your long life, marriage and service to God and Country is an example of God's Grace and Patience earned thru long suffering and trust in Him. I know that God is using every gift He gave you in Service to others... And therefore you are being served in Love and Redemption.

Thank-You for sharing your life thru this post and my post was an open invitation to draw upon our own life and answer a question to search and examine what God says to save us from our sin and a life of self destruction.

God Bless You and Yours SGT Rick Ash... My wife was a widow of husband with pancreatic cancer... And God used this situation for His purpose and glory...

I pray that this will be your case in Love, Respect and Grace...

John Temblador
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA
9 y
John and Mindy Temblador
SGT Rick Ash
SGT Rick Ash
9 y
TSgt John Temblador, PI, CIPA - Awesome Photo of you & your wife. She's a beautiful woman, you're a lucky guy.
As long as we stay faithful to God he always returns the favor. I am so blessed in so many ways. His Grace astounds me. Thank you for the scripture from Jeremiah, one of MY favorite books in the Bible.
May God continue to Bless You and your lovely bride.
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MSgt RF Transmission Systems
Tell ya what...start coming up with how we fund and logistically support separate showers, latrines, and barracks for each individual and I'll support anything.

Can they serve with honor and be as capable as anyone else? Absolutely.

Do they have rights? Absolutely.

My biggest argument about the repeal of DADT was privacy. Ignorance was bliss, but now you get to know and if you as a straight person are uncomfortable sharing a tent, shower, or latrine with a gay person - too f'ing bad, as we are told.

Now I know I'm an ugly SOB...but if I don't get to look at breasts (what I find to be sexually appealing to me, a straight man)...why do we open the peep show to homosexuals? Are you going to sit there with a straight face and tell me that every single one of them absolutely will not look...ever?

Now keep in mind...I frankly don't care who I am bunking with. If I end up in a two man hut with a gay guy....fine. I'm straight, you're gay...we're rooming together, it's professional and I sleep here, you sleep there. I frankly don't care. I'm confident in my sexually to not care. If he wants to talk about his husband back home - fine. I no doubt will be talking about my wife back home. Hell, I'll even change from PT to ABUs in front of him...because I really don't care. But is it fair? Is it right? *IF* he found me attractive, does him seeing me in the shower give him something to think about? Why can't I shower with the gals in this case.

"But MSgt Mac...I don't want some dude checking out my wife/mom/gf/sister when she deploys!!!" So it's ok for a lesbian but not a straight dude?

And that brings up the point of the post. TG/TS individuals will either get to pick, or someone has to foot the bill to give them their own facilities. If they get to pick, suddenly a bunch of straight guys are going to claim to be TG/TS for two reasons: 1) To get out of the men's showers and into the women's showers, and 2) To get out of the men's showers when TG/TS are in there.

Separate facilities? Great. Just take that Exchange candy and soda and "pieces of home" off the plane and load it up with extra tents. Tear down a gym, the USO, and any other morale tents so we can have room to set up these extra facilities. And that's just for separate latrines/showers/barracks for groups of TG/TS individuals. So if one identifies as a woman and one identifies as a man on the FOB - do we bunk them together or barrack them separately? Or do we put the man that id's himself as a woman in with women and the one that id's herself as a man in with the men?

Or just co-ed everything and be done with it.

Frankly, that last option is the option I elect. We're so uptight about sex and sexuality anyways. Just be done with it. Since that won't happen in the next century, the only other option is to frankly just draw the line and say "We get it, but it can't be done. Sorry. Move on". Harsh, but hey - life ain't fair.

In conclusion: it doesn't matter in the end. If our leaders say it happens, it happens. We follow and support the policy to the letter, and we make it work. The missions get done, the wars get won, and the more that come home in tact is all I care about. I'd rather see smiling, happy families when the plane touches down on US soil, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, then to ever have to escort another flag draped box or hold a dying brother or sister's hand again.

Soapbox rant that went all over the place. Sorry.
PVT Robert Gresham
PVT Robert Gresham
9 y
Just to clarify: If a gay (or transgender) man out there might possibly find you attractive while showering, then it's only fair that you should be able to shower with females so that you might also look at some "breasts" that you might find are attractive ?

That is the absolute worst argument that I have seen here. It is sexist and it sounds like the words of someone who doesn't understand that FTXs and deployments are not social gatherings for someone to find what they are "looking for".

The solution here is exactly the same one that applies for straight/gay/lesbian soldiers: If you have a penis you will shower with others who are likewise so endowed. Same for people who do not. "Looking for" unwanted sexual contact, making unwanted sexual remarks, or advances is SEXUAL HARASSMENT !! Sexual Harassment will NOT be tolerated in the US Military. That should end this whole discussion.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
In the Marines, as we move closer to a more Uniform standard across the board, this issue becomes moot.

1) Universal Dress Blues are currently being previewed

2) PFT standards are coming closer

That said, Men & Women are different physiologically. This is not an opinion. It is a fact, and that is why there are different standards. This includes Grooming, Physical, and Uniform standards.

Once you get past the "I identify as a X" bit, which is irrelevant to the military function, you are left with the Can X person do Y task, and will this person be more beneficial than detrimental to the military.

The current concern would be "Good order & discipline."

If someone is physiologically male, but identifies as female, how does that work in uniform and out?

In my opinion, you go by birth sex. Therefore, while IN uniform all standards have to be adhered to as though you are your birth gender. That means no relaxed grooming, or modified uniform standards.

However off duty.... if someone wants to dress as their 'identified' gender, then so be it.
SSG Christopher K.
SSG Christopher K.
>1 y
What's not being mentioned here also is not only the physical or social issues but the mental issues as well. In the looking up that I've done on this subject, people who are wanting to have gender reassignment have a fairly decent medication regiment that changes the hormone and testosterone levels in the person. This can cause many mental issues with the person taking the medications. I understand they are needed for the "transition" but if that person in service and on medications that can change there mental stability that is the problem I have with it. This is a personal choice that people make just as it is to be in the military. In my opinion though they are in conflict with each other. If you want this done you should not be able to serve during that time it takes to complete the procedures and treatments. After that and you pass the standard medical and mental evaluations that the military gives to join then I see no issue in this what so ever.
SGT Technical Support
SGT (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC William Scissom "If a member of the military joins and later elects to have the reassignment surgery then they should wait until their contract is fulfilled, ETS, then have the surgery, and if they still want to serve our country in uniform they can re-enlist after the reassignment is complete. "

Brilliant point and I wholeheartedly agree.

SSG Christopher K. As I've said time and time again, the hormone therapy //increases// their mental stability and often also addresses depression issues
PVT Robert Gresham
PVT Robert Gresham
9 y
SGT (Join to see) - SGT Adam Travis, I am not questioning your post, but I am curious. Can you reference the statement, "the hormone therapy //increases// their mental stability and often also addresses depression issues" ?

I have friends who have had hormone therapy, and while I did not find that it made them blithering hormonal basket cases, I would be curious in reading the reference to find out if this is a medical, or strictly a psychological, effect of the therapy.

Thank you.
SGT Technical Support
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
All sensible statements. I would only append that if we fully integrated the standards the it really wouldn't matter . . . I mean women and men are, as you said, different. I rather enjoy those differences myself, lol. But women are ever more often proving that they can perform right alongside men. So my opinion is let trans soldiers come out, let them transition*, just enforce standards and discipline as always.

*caveat, letting someone go through that kind of stuff should obviously be entirely dependant upon needs of the unit, mission readiness, and commanders discresion in my opinion. When you signed that dotted line, you chose to put the needs of the military before your own. I'm saying open, accepting, but treat them no different than anyone else wanting to do a thing.
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