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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Feb 3, 2020
Capt Brandon Charters
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Responses: 46
COL Dana Hampton
Best advice for what to college courses to study that will have a direct impact on your attractiveness to a future employer and the most $$$....Focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathmatics (STEM) subjects. These are the high demand skills employers are looking for and have a better than average wage.

My 2 cents.
Teri Pfeffer
Teri Pfeffer
5 y
PO2 Donald Nathan - This is a common complaint when transitioning into a tech career out of college and one of the reasons Code Fellows in Seattle was opened in 2013. Our co-founders were struggling to find programmers and developers with practical skills entering the job market. I would be very interested in speaking to you about your experiences. Feel free to reach out to me at [login to see]
SSgt Royal Summers
SSgt Royal Summers
5 y
PO2 Donald Nathan - I just finished a Bootcamp in Ruby on Rails as well as Java and getting experience is definitely an obstacle and one that led me to the military. I couldn't find a civilian job b/c I had no experience. How can I get experience if no one will give me a job? Catch-22. Did the school offer any placement assistance? I think that I need to start a support group. I got out of the military and went to DeVry. Became a developer. Went into Education for 12-years and now I find myself trying to get back in the Tech field. I wish you the best of luck and if you wish to interact at all I can be reached at [login to see] I am in the process of starting a nonprofit teaching technology to elementary school-age students. Maybe, I can make where they come out of High School with experience...
Capt Robert Vincelette
Capt Robert Vincelette
5 y
After getting out I took courses in computer programming during the great computer programmer shortage hoax which the industry obviously staged to flood the job market. Later, adding graduate courses in math and physics I took two MS degrees and a PhD in interdisciplinary math and physics. The only jobs available were adjunct teaching at less than minimum wage and three years as a temporary visiting professor. I saw firsthand the push to generate as many STEM majors as possible and falsified labor statistics exaggerating the opportunities awaiting graduates. If a PhD with journal papers published isn't good enough to find work what makes you thing a STEM BS graduate will get anywhere?
But one thing a PhD does is it shuts down accusations of being too lazy to work if any opportunities were there as claimed in the first place.
SFC Clinton Wilson
SFC Clinton Wilson
5 y
A Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education is very valuable and can take you far. However, there are others areas or academic concentrations that can also take you far. I chose the Business Administration, Accounting/Auditing field. I have worked for the Federal Government, and I now work for DoD, where my all of my military experience count and is respected.
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SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
Excellent Q&A share sir.
Lindsay Laycoax
Lindsay Laycoax
5 y
Southern Illinois University Public Safety Management Degree program is an outstanding program for our military personnel. Undergraduate degree with specializations in FIRE, EMS and EMA. Graduate degree Public Safety Administration and Homeland Security.
SIU is a well known and a Military friendly College.
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
5 y
Lindsay Laycoax thank you for the share Lindsay
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SP5 Dennis Loberger
At Concordia University, you can get up to 32 credits for military service and a 20% discount on tuition for an online MBA and DBA program. That can be really important for vets with families to support
GySgt John Hudson
GySgt John Hudson
5 y
Concordia of Portland, Oregon is closing in 2020. They are scrambling to transfer the students they have.
SP5 Dennis Loberger
SP5 Dennis Loberger
5 y
GySgt John Hudson thanks for that info. All zi can say is.....ouch
GySgt John Hudson
GySgt John Hudson
5 y
Sorry Dennis, but That news just broke here in the Portland metro area last week. It was a surprise to several thousand students attending and students planning to attend. I have always believed in education as a key to success, but right now there are people running the education systems who are not pro-military and are in the education business to promote only their agenda. Not free democracy or republic ideals. Just my thoughts brother. Keep the faith and keep helping others. I do.
MSgt Joseph Holness
MSgt Joseph Holness
5 y
Yep! Got my Masters at Concordia Portland On-Campus after retiring from the Military. Too-Bad that campus is closing down.
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