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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Feb 23, 2016
MAJ Montgomery Granger
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Responses: 7
CSM Battalion Command Sergeant Major
If it ain't broke, fix it until it is
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MCPO Roger Collins
You are right in what you say, but if they grandfather all changes, it places in on the new recruits to make the decision as to whether or not to stay for a career. Things change, depending on what is going on in the world. These things happen all the time and when there is a need for troops, either they do something to incent the individual to make it a career, or institute the draft.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Although this is an personal issue to us, that doesn't mean that it isn't important financially to the government. The question we must ask ourselves is actually VERY simple.

"Is the current Military Retirement System sustainable?" It's that simple. If the answer is Yes, the follow on becomes "For how long?" If the answer is no, then we must change it.

When we look at systems like Social Security, apply the same logic. "Is this sustainable?" We know the answer is NO, therefore it must change.

From the DoD perspective, "our" system is NOT sustainable. It grows each year and makes it harder to balance other issues. Something has to give. I don't like it, but that doesn't change the facts of the situation. The Military Retirement System is a "leak in the boat" and it is actually one of the simpler ones to "patch" (not fix). We have all these other leaks in the boat, but they are either too big, or too complex to change... so we go after the things we can change.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger I agree they are about priorities, however the issue is that Congress MUST look at military budget every 2 years. They only look at other spending "as needed" and it is an uphill fight to trim programs that have been added.

Do you go after the things you "have to" change anyway, or do you go after things you can't change?

I realize that patching the Military Retirement System is like putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound, however when that is the only budgetary cuts you are making... that's where you go first.
MAJ Montgomery Granger
MAJ Montgomery Granger
>1 y
I don't think there is ANY wound. It's all about priorities. Obama care is a HUGE unnecessary funding black hole. Get rid of it. Department of Education is a total WASTE. Constitutionally the STATES are responsible for public education, NOT the federal government. MANY unnecessary agencies, including IRS. Why can't the U.S. Treasury be the receiver of taxes? 140+ years of no inflation with U.S. banking system - end the Fed and SAVE! Congress has the Constitutional power to create money, who needs the Fed? These savings could more than fund a measly old retirement system for the FEW in the military who even attain 20 good years of service. The rest will have to weigh a military career vs. a civilian career - TSP's won't do it.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
>1 y
MAJ Montgomery Granger - But this isn't about those other programs. It's about the "controllable portion" of the budget.

2/3 of the Budget is "Mandatory Spending" (Legislative). Of the remaining 1/3 or "Discretionary Spending," half of that is DoD (plus VA).

If we are talking about a household budget, it would be House, Car, Food (Mandatory) v. Everything else (Discretionary). The only place you can take money out of is the Discretionary budget. That means cuts to the Military. It really is that simple.

Military retirement shifts into the category of "Is it Sustainable?" when you look at it in those simple terms.

I'm not disagreeing that we can't cut elsewhere, however cutting elsewhere is just harder to do. That money is already spent or a "small" part of the overall picture in comparison.

MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
>1 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - Very nice, Sgt. If we continue educating the masses, perhaps they will become more familiar with the budget and it's intricacies and a little how business and the economy fits together.
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