Posted on Jun 25, 2021
Men's Mental Health Week Part 4 - Overall Wellness: I have PTSD and Mental Health Issues: So What?
Read Part 1 here:
Read Part 2 here:
Read Part 3 here:
We talked about physical and mental health, but what about the other stuff we do daily to just try to get through the day? The small things that don’t fit into any specific mold, the “crazy” stuff that objectively seems like it would never work, but really helps get you through the day. I know I have a lot of these techniques and I’m sure you do too.
If you saw my last video on Hunt the Good Stuff you know I love this very simple technique that is used every day and can help not only with changing your mindset, but can also help you sleep better. Each day before bed, I look for 3 things that were good that day and I reflect on them. This helps put my mind in a positive head space prior to bed.
Getting sleep is hard for me because I am left alone in my head to face some thoughts that are very dark. I would love to say that “hunting the good stuff” always works, but sometimes it just does not. If my mind won’t shut off and I keep thinking about things over and over again, I do have friends I can pick up the phone and call and sometimes talking through what I am going through helps. It is always good to have that one “phone a friend” you know you can talk to no matter what. If you don’t have that friend, there are a lot of resources that are just a phone call away.
When I get really upset and I just want to scream, I do just that. I will walk out into the woods behind my house and just yell. I will scream and cuss and stomp around and get all the negative energy out of me. It really is funny how good that feels sometimes, it’s like a release.
Please post a technique you find helpful, I guarantee you there’s not one too crazy or small, that has helped you. The more tools we have as a community the closer we can get to truly never leaving a soldier behind.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please get help now. Tell a loved one. Tell a friend. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [login to see] . If you prefer to talk online, visit the veteran crisis line here:
Read Part 2 here:
Read Part 3 here:
We talked about physical and mental health, but what about the other stuff we do daily to just try to get through the day? The small things that don’t fit into any specific mold, the “crazy” stuff that objectively seems like it would never work, but really helps get you through the day. I know I have a lot of these techniques and I’m sure you do too.
If you saw my last video on Hunt the Good Stuff you know I love this very simple technique that is used every day and can help not only with changing your mindset, but can also help you sleep better. Each day before bed, I look for 3 things that were good that day and I reflect on them. This helps put my mind in a positive head space prior to bed.
Getting sleep is hard for me because I am left alone in my head to face some thoughts that are very dark. I would love to say that “hunting the good stuff” always works, but sometimes it just does not. If my mind won’t shut off and I keep thinking about things over and over again, I do have friends I can pick up the phone and call and sometimes talking through what I am going through helps. It is always good to have that one “phone a friend” you know you can talk to no matter what. If you don’t have that friend, there are a lot of resources that are just a phone call away.
When I get really upset and I just want to scream, I do just that. I will walk out into the woods behind my house and just yell. I will scream and cuss and stomp around and get all the negative energy out of me. It really is funny how good that feels sometimes, it’s like a release.
Please post a technique you find helpful, I guarantee you there’s not one too crazy or small, that has helped you. The more tools we have as a community the closer we can get to truly never leaving a soldier behind.
If you or someone you know is struggling, please get help now. Tell a loved one. Tell a friend. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [login to see] . If you prefer to talk online, visit the veteran crisis line here:
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 8
Very useful information CW4 (Join to see)! I use aromatherapy daily and especially when trying to go to sleep!
CW4 (Join to see)
Thank you for sharing your struggles that is reason why I talk about my issues with PTSD to try and help others but also in some way reading comments seeing others reach out and talk about their issues helps me as much as it helps them. I understand every word you wrote there are good programs out there, I did a virtual speaking event for Ohio and met a lady who wrote an article on me for a local newspaper and then we became friends she is part of NAMI and every two weeks on Thursday evening we have a zoom group session and everyone in the group have different issues and problems for me it helps just to talk about what I am feeling that day week etc. I would offer up look for a NAMI group to join or if you would like contact me through my website at and I would be more than happy have you join our group. You are not in this alone my friend there are many like you and like me together we can help each other.
SPC Nancy Greene
CW4 (Join to see) I think PTSD is one of the most misunderstood mental health issue. Might be due to the fact symptoms seem to be individualized. Mine manifests itself as anxiety and irritability. My combat Veterans seem to show symptoms of anger and sometimes violence. Thanks for the connection and the information. I currently have an awesome therapist whose office is in a barn. There are two horses and two donkeys. One of the horses has PTSD. It’s a great place and totally opposite of theraphy at the VAMC. Have a great Weekend! Nancy CW4 (Join to see)
SPC Nancy Greene
SrA Ronald Moore I have a diffuser which holds water and scented oil. The smell fills the room and calms me down. I used to burn candles; however, the cost became an issue. Most diffusers cost about $35 and the oils are about $5 or $6 dollars and last for months! SrA Ronald Moore
CW4 (Join to see)
I would have to say hyper awareness also when I am out in public I watch everything when I go to a restaurant I sit in a certain booth or table. I mean I think it is ok to be aware of your surroundings but sometimes I take it to extreme.
SSG Bill McCoy
CW4 (Join to see) - Yep, I do the same thing. Talked about it for the very first time with a VA counselor just two days ago. Have an appt for this coming Tuesday.
PO3 Aaron Hassay
aaron--another death fist extravaganza...get your ticket bitch...east bay rats
we roll deep..make the blood seep...drink till you sleep....throw some fist...and he is going to sleep...
SPC Cody Verba -
I went out like a 15 year shotgun event always get in fights underground anywhere no money I didn’t care crazy time and then I stopped couldn’t fight my body and that was after after the Navy man that was crazy shit
I went out like a 15 year shotgun event always get in fights underground anywhere no money I didn’t care crazy time and then I stopped couldn’t fight my body and that was after after the Navy man that was crazy shit
SFC William Linnell
I don't know what to say about 9-11 as I was in my tank at Hood in the 1st BP getting ready to start my day run on TTVIII. When we were told to Clear and Elevate and back off the range. When we were told, we couldn't go home. We stayed on the range to finish qualifications.
I hear a bunch of Vets complain about fireworks. My solution, for me it worked, I went straight in full throttle. My cousin and I bought a shit ton of fireworks. Set up a firing platform and layed out a plan to firing them off. Had my ear plugs and safety glasses on and off we went. I didn't think about the explosions. I concentrated on firing them off. Then my nephews started a roman candle fight which started behind me and didn't know was happening until one flew close past me. I had the OH SHIT moment and hit the dirt looking for the enemy. Then I realized where I was, took a deep breath and continued. No one noticed. So I said if it bothers you, don't hide from it. Attack that MFer!! That's what we're trained to do. And yes, loud bangs still startle me but I find myself not recoiling but advance to the sound stance checking.
Still have the anxious/anxiety of driving in crowded traffic. Looking for an exit if shit its. Hyper-vigilant in public, at restaurants, going to the store. Walmart, Home Depot like those stores, I go straight in, get my stuff, head to the checkout and straight to the vehicle. Outta there.
And forgive me on this next confession. I did try to go do the circle jerk of counseling with all these other vets that suffer from PTSD. And I about lost my shit when this AF dude started whining about his. After he finished I started asking him questions. He was stationed at Bagram AB. where they have a Pizza Hut, A burger, chicken joints. A place where everyone hangs out. The AF had their own private quarters, internet, latrine/showers specifically for them. And they actually close down the main road to conduct PT and run. Nothing actually happens there except a few mortars and rockets now and then but they never come close to the living quarters or anything. SO I asked what he got PTSD from? He never went outside the wire. Never fired his weapon,hell they didn't carry one. His answer was he had PTSD from hearing those mortars and rockets being fired. I just wanted to slap him. Was his PTSD even legit or just made up in his mind after dwelling on it over and over? I left the group angry. Just continued doing my one on one. Brought it up to my counselor. Basically everybody is wired differently.
So again, I apologize. I'd didn't confess this to be attacked. I'm opening up on the value and strength of unity with my Brothers and Sisters.
I hear a bunch of Vets complain about fireworks. My solution, for me it worked, I went straight in full throttle. My cousin and I bought a shit ton of fireworks. Set up a firing platform and layed out a plan to firing them off. Had my ear plugs and safety glasses on and off we went. I didn't think about the explosions. I concentrated on firing them off. Then my nephews started a roman candle fight which started behind me and didn't know was happening until one flew close past me. I had the OH SHIT moment and hit the dirt looking for the enemy. Then I realized where I was, took a deep breath and continued. No one noticed. So I said if it bothers you, don't hide from it. Attack that MFer!! That's what we're trained to do. And yes, loud bangs still startle me but I find myself not recoiling but advance to the sound stance checking.
Still have the anxious/anxiety of driving in crowded traffic. Looking for an exit if shit its. Hyper-vigilant in public, at restaurants, going to the store. Walmart, Home Depot like those stores, I go straight in, get my stuff, head to the checkout and straight to the vehicle. Outta there.
And forgive me on this next confession. I did try to go do the circle jerk of counseling with all these other vets that suffer from PTSD. And I about lost my shit when this AF dude started whining about his. After he finished I started asking him questions. He was stationed at Bagram AB. where they have a Pizza Hut, A burger, chicken joints. A place where everyone hangs out. The AF had their own private quarters, internet, latrine/showers specifically for them. And they actually close down the main road to conduct PT and run. Nothing actually happens there except a few mortars and rockets now and then but they never come close to the living quarters or anything. SO I asked what he got PTSD from? He never went outside the wire. Never fired his weapon,hell they didn't carry one. His answer was he had PTSD from hearing those mortars and rockets being fired. I just wanted to slap him. Was his PTSD even legit or just made up in his mind after dwelling on it over and over? I left the group angry. Just continued doing my one on one. Brought it up to my counselor. Basically everybody is wired differently.
So again, I apologize. I'd didn't confess this to be attacked. I'm opening up on the value and strength of unity with my Brothers and Sisters.
That is a great Mental Health Aide ,Phone a Friend, And to add only in an Emergency which could be specified, otherwise also A text Friend ,which is better so if it’s late night, I could text them and get a message later after they are able or after they awake early soon or the next day, plus it helps to have a miniature journal on Paper some where , And the Text can serve as a journal as well, until you can transcript it to the Journal.
SrA Ronald Moore
Servicing and Working and A little Volunteer work for my Church, Praying daily,, Trying to continuously Take care Of my self,keeping all VA appointments, , stuff like that .Hope all is well out your way.PO3 Aaron Hassay
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