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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jan 3, 2025
Dr. Pamela Arnell
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Responses: 5
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LCDR Anthony Craft
It's heartbreaking to hear about the struggles of veterans and first responders, but it's inspiring to see people stepping up to help.
Dr. Pamela Arnell
Dr. Pamela Arnell
2 mo
Yes, it definitely is heartbreaking.
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SGT Ruben Lozada
Good afternoon Dr. Pamela Arnell. Excellent post. Thank you for sharing this Dr. Arnell. :->
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
CPT David Gowel -
I Wish You Could Access My Medical Records Just To See
What The VA Did To Me.... Just To Give You An Idea,
When I Was Out There Not Long Ago One Of The PA's
Was Reading Through My Records As I Was Telling Him What
Had Happened To Me Over The Years As I'm Sitting There In My Wheel Chair..
He Turned Around From The Computer Screen, Looked At Me And Said:
" I Can't Believe All These Thing Happened To You Out Here." It Was One Screw-Up, Followed By Errors Causing Illness & Even The Loss Of ALL Of My Teeth... And, Get This: Causing Me To Have Diabetes Which Further Creating Nephropathy To My Feet.
Yup , Surprised The Crap Right Out Of Me Too ... So As You Can See, Contrary To Your Suggestion ~" get connected to someone who may be able to help you stay safe" ~
~~It Sure as "L" AIN'T At The VA Medical Center~ ~ And If You'f Like An Explanation As To HOW I Was Given Diabetes And The Nephropathy Or Have Any Other Questions, Let Me Know & I'll Send The Details To Your Message Area.~~ Go Ahead And Feel Free To Ask Me If I'm Still Pizzed Off, Because You Can Bet Uranus I Am. They STOLE Over 1/2 Of My Adult Life .
Dr. Pamela Arnell
Dr. Pamela Arnell
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - I am so sorry you experienced this and please know you can reach out to me anytime. My number is [login to see] , please do not hesitate to reach out to me.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
2 mo
Dr. Pamela Arnell -
Thanks For The Conversation.
Dr. Pamela Arnell
Dr. Pamela Arnell
2 mo
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney - you are so welcome!!!
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SSgt Jose L Amalbert
During a dark time in my life, I considered the importance of being alive and realized that my purpose is to use my military discipline and knowledge to help others. At this stage in my life, I struggle with emotional issues and other challenges, which have hindered my productivity, even under the pressures of my current situation with MHI. Nevertheless, I will continue to persevere until the end of my days.
Dr. Pamela Arnell
Dr. Pamela Arnell
2 mo
SSgt Jose L Amalbert
Thank you for your service. Please feel free to contact me. There is no cost and it’s a peer program, fully remote and no reporting to the VA.
My email is [login to see]
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