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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 16, 2015
RallyPoint Team
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Responses: 23
CPT Jack Durish
This is one helluva good question and an intriguing one.

A traitor is one who betrays a trust. Thus, spies and agents provocateur don't qualify.

Idiots and the insane don't count inasmuch as they don't have the ability to act with criminal intent. That pretty much excludes Jane Fonda and others like her.

That eliminates a lot of candidates and I am happy to say that I can't think of any off hand other than the three already mentioned. Isn't it simply great that America has been relatively free of them?
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
10 y
I just remembered the Rosenbergs, Julius and Ethel, the only two convicted and executed during the Cold War.
Sgt Garret Hawkey
Sgt Garret Hawkey
10 y
Spies still betray a trust.
Take grant ward on agents of shield.
He betrayed his team, even though he was placed there to spy on the team.
He is still a traitor to shield.
SSgt Khanh Pham
SSgt Khanh Pham
>1 y
I disagree on the exception for spies. A person capable of betrayal of one friend is capable of betraying another. It is a dangerous lies to believe spies are loyal.

in terms of national security and defense, it is perfectly possible to carry out the duty without employing spies. Look at the human defense system.
SSgt Khanh Pham
SSgt Khanh Pham
>1 y
Something unrelated or maybe not - Rosenbergs son made a song "the hanging tree" . It was interesting a white man created a song in the spirit of fighting for the oppressed, the black people. the new hanging tree is pretty good as well, and easier to listen to.
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SGT Ben Keen
I'm sorry but I can't let people forget that long before Niael Malik Hasan attacked the Soldiers of Ft Hood, another Soldier took it upon himself to attach his own unit while in the combat zone.

On March 22 - 23, 2003, Hasan K Akbar (born Mark Fidel Kools) threw grenades into several tents of the 1BCT, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) Command Group including the tent of the BCT CDR and CSM. He shot and killed Army Capt Chris Seifert and Air Force Maj Stone died from injuries from the blasts. Dozens of others were injured in the attack as well.

What makes this attack stick out more to me over Hasan's attack other than the fact I was there is it was down while deployed. It was done just hours prior to us rolling off camp and entering a country were people laid ready to kill us. It shook us to our core. It caused us all to take stock of ourselves but in the end it made us stronger.
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SSG John Bacon
I could point out that Hasan probably had plans of being a turn coat from day 1 and never had Loyalty to the USA.
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
10 y
Then he should never have Commissioned...I think even Muslims have a sense of honor and loyalty.
SSgt Khanh Pham
SSgt Khanh Pham
>1 y
“A betrayal of trust by an FBI Agent, who is not only sworn to enforce the law but specifically to help protect our nation’s security, is particularly abhorrent. This kind of criminal conduct represents the most traitorous action imaginable against a country governed by the Rule of Law. It also strikes at the heart of everything the FBI represents — the commitment of over 28,000 honest and dedicated men and women in the FBI who work diligently to earn the trust and confidence of the American people every day.”

When I contacted FBI about another case of betrayal of trust by US Air Force (with evidence established). They state they have 2millions tips, so I should take my case to civil court. I cannot help but wonders if anything they do is not politically motivated.

Let me see if I can rephrase my case under FBI rhetoric, and if it is true, then FBI have also betrayed that trust they accusted traitors.

"A betrayal of trust by an Air Force chain of command, who is not only sworn to enforce the law but specifically to help protect our nation's security, is particularly abhorent. This kind of criminal conduct represents the most traitorous action imaginable against a country governed by the Rule of Law. It also strikes at the heart of everything the Air Force represents - the commitment of over 28,000 (AF much more) honest and dedicated men and women in the AF who work diligently to earn the trust and confidence of the American people everyday."

What is this betrayal?
- targeting an US official to undermine his/her effectiveness, effectively undermining AF mission, and diplomatic mision abroad
- Accusing the most productive, and somet cases, the only productive member of being Spy, violate civil and human rights, hold him prisoner, etc. Turning him/her toward the adversaries. In another word, Degrade the national security by removal of an important asset, while potentially sending it to the adversary.

There is more but, I think that is enough for a point. There are US Codes specifically addressing the seditious activities and conspiracy. By command decision to cover up a betrayal, the conspirators committed the Air Force to a treasonous act with a seditious conspiracy.
COL Franchisee
COL (Join to see)
>1 y
Well, his bosses at WRAMC have the real blood of American patriots on them.....
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