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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Mar 29, 2016
Sgt Scott Wing
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Responses: 4
MAJ Engineer Officer
great story and entrepreneurial spirit. Is their an 'entrepreneurs corner' or something similar here on RP?
Kanika Misra
Kanika Misra
9 y
Hi Justin! We do have almost 600 members as part of the "Entrepreneurship" group here: https://www.rallypoint.com/topics/entrepreneurship . Would be a great place to share any information, or ask any questions from fellow vets & SMs interested in entrepreneurship :)
Sgt Scott Wing
Sgt Scott Wing
9 y
Not sure if that exists or not, but I think that is a great idea.
MAJ Engineer Officer
MAJ (Join to see)
9 y
hey mods - is it possible to establish a thread or something where ent's can list out what they do, and what they are looking for. An RP classified of sorts where we can lock shoulders/form relationships/partnerships with other military (RallyPoint) entrepreneurs for assistance, advice, and practical networking - not just social media relationships but to find people and mil businesses that can help e/other through joint-advertising/marketing, mentions, website/FaceBook links, connections. I say this as I am involved w/a start-up and our biggest problem is not bringing digital products to market, but in simply getting our product in front of customers.
Nicholas Morales
Nicholas Morales
1 y
Yep, it's completely possible to establish a thread at https://bloxdio2.com
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Sgt Scott Wing
Here are a few pics of what we do.
Capt Brandon Charters
Capt Brandon Charters
9 y
This looks like a gym I would actually use! Much more enjoyable for me to be outside while working out.
SGT Writer
SGT (Join to see)
9 y
I wish climbing ropes were easier to find outside military bases. Great substitute for pullups.
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Capt Brandon Charters
Incredible story of veteran entrepreneurs, Sgt Scott Wing. Thanks again for sharing with us. Can you go into some detail on the clients Beaver Fit is currently serving? Also, it would be great to know a little more about the company's roadmap in the next 5 years. Exciting work your team is doing!
Sgt Scott Wing
Sgt Scott Wing
9 y
Sure thing. On the military side of the house, most of our business has come from Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Fitness Centers. Our integral support of the Marine Corps' High Intensity Tactical Training (HITT) program and the Navy Operational Fitness & Fueling System (NOFFS) has positioned us as a household name in the worlds of Marine Corps/Navy fitness. We've built upon that success and last year started to see an uptick in orders from the Air Force, most notably the USAFA Cadet Gym and HQSVA. Our lockers provide the perfect solution to expand a facility's walls and make unit PT and group exercise classes that much more available and effective. Going forward, I think you will see us expand into other branches that we have not previously sold in to. Army fitness centers, operational units, and Guard and Reserve commands who do not always have access to the on base facilities and programs are all areas where we are looking to expand.

In addition, you'll see us responding to customer demand in regard to accessorizing or modifying the lockers to meet operational/training needs. Our Operational Training Lockers were born from such a demand and come fully integrated with a breaching training door and kit.

Commercially, we are building custom fitness rigs to outfit CrossFit boxes and have even supplied rigs and lockers to Google and YouTubes' corporate fitness facilities. You'll see us continue to push in to these markets as well as Law Enforcement and First Responder.
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