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Responses: 7
Lt Col Charlie Brown
Thank you for what you do for the MVCN and your service to family and country. I am proud to know and work with you Rachel Moyers
Rachel Moyers
Rachel Moyers
>1 y
Thank you Charlie! I am so grateful that our paths have crossed and that we can continue to work together.
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Sgt Field Radio Operator
Rachel Moyers Thank you for the great information about MVCN including the links. This is an organization that some of us will need in the future. Welcome to RallyPoint.
Rachel Moyers
Rachel Moyers
>1 y
Thank you! I am grateful for MVCN and coulnd't be more proud to support it. Please feel free to send anyone our way that you think we might be able to support.
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TSgt Baran Anthony Andrew K.
Thank you for your story, and your great deal of patience. I am a veteran, and just finished the job we all face at one time or another. For the last 3 years and 3 months I was the primary caregiver for my mom. She went to glory on February 2nd, and I feel true fulfillment. This isn't about me, it's about what this spouse of a veteran learned,and her challenges doing this avocation. All I can say is that I have never grown up more than in doing this task. Thank you for sharing your story.
Rachel Moyers
Rachel Moyers
>1 y
Thank you for all the roles you hold (or have held). I am sorry for your loss and you are in my heart. There are often many things we learn as we navigate the caregiving role while it might be stressful, frusterating and create all of the emotions- it also does bring a sense of fulfillment. I hope you know you were and are appreciated for supporting your mom as her caregiver.
CPT David Gowel
CPT David Gowel
>1 y
"All I can say is that I have never grown up more than in doing this task." TSgt Baran Anthony Andrew K., truer words have never been said! I'm sure your mom was both appreciative and proud of all you've done for her. Thank you for sharing your story and I hope you have the opportunity to take those experiences and help others in a meaningful way, similar to how Rachel Moyers has done for so many (in so many ways).
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