DAV is an organization that empowers veterans to lead high-quality lives with respect and dignity. Those words are more than just a powerful phrase. They are stitched into the fabric of our organization. From World War I to today, we proudly fight for the benefits, health care and recognition our veterans have already earned.
However, keeping our promise to America’s veterans doesn’t stop there. It’s past time to shine a brighter light and offer critical support to those unsung heroes who contribute so much every day to our community: veteran caregivers.
Last fall, I was immensely proud as we launched our newest program—DAV Caregivers Support. The program provides additional resources and continuity of support to the friends, family members and other loved ones who dedicate their lives to caring for their veterans. Attending to our wounded and ill veterans upon their return is a noble yet often thankless task. However, we at DAV are intimately familiar with the contributions veteran families make and the costs they face, particularly for those who wake up each day with a sole mission in mind: supporting their loved one who has been forever changed in service.
Now, it’s their turn to receive a helping hand.
Our new DAV Caregivers Support platform is powered by TCARE, which is a Service-Disabled Veteran- Owned Small Business founded by a DAV Patriot Boot Camp alum. It will provide veteran families with tailored assistance, including financial help, online resources to better understand their role as a caregiver and personalized one-on-one interaction from trained caregiver specialists. No matter where family members are on their caregiving journey, they won’t have to guess how to best care for their veteran.
Facts and figures of the millions of veteran caregivers may paint a broad picture of the landscape, but to understand the genuine cost of providing essential care, one only needs to look into the eyes of people like Yvonne Riley.
Her husband, Dave, an Army and Coast Guard veteran and DAV past national commander, became a quadruple amputee after contracting a rare bacterial infection that wreaked havoc on his limbs. For him, every day begins and ends with Yvonne’s assistance; in between, she provides near-constant support.
It is touching to see the care she extends to Dave and her sacrifice in doing so. But like millions of caregivers throughout the country, Yvonne views it as just another day of supporting her loved one. That humility, fearlessness and selflessness are why we must do what we can to make each day just a little bit easier. Military families are among the most visible when their service member is wounded and rightly receive the proper assistance they require. But that can quickly evaporate after transitioning back to civilian life.
But with DAV Caregivers Support, they won’t have to face it alone.
Visit https://rly.pt/DAVCaregiversSupport to learn more.
However, keeping our promise to America’s veterans doesn’t stop there. It’s past time to shine a brighter light and offer critical support to those unsung heroes who contribute so much every day to our community: veteran caregivers.
Last fall, I was immensely proud as we launched our newest program—DAV Caregivers Support. The program provides additional resources and continuity of support to the friends, family members and other loved ones who dedicate their lives to caring for their veterans. Attending to our wounded and ill veterans upon their return is a noble yet often thankless task. However, we at DAV are intimately familiar with the contributions veteran families make and the costs they face, particularly for those who wake up each day with a sole mission in mind: supporting their loved one who has been forever changed in service.
Now, it’s their turn to receive a helping hand.
Our new DAV Caregivers Support platform is powered by TCARE, which is a Service-Disabled Veteran- Owned Small Business founded by a DAV Patriot Boot Camp alum. It will provide veteran families with tailored assistance, including financial help, online resources to better understand their role as a caregiver and personalized one-on-one interaction from trained caregiver specialists. No matter where family members are on their caregiving journey, they won’t have to guess how to best care for their veteran.
Facts and figures of the millions of veteran caregivers may paint a broad picture of the landscape, but to understand the genuine cost of providing essential care, one only needs to look into the eyes of people like Yvonne Riley.
Her husband, Dave, an Army and Coast Guard veteran and DAV past national commander, became a quadruple amputee after contracting a rare bacterial infection that wreaked havoc on his limbs. For him, every day begins and ends with Yvonne’s assistance; in between, she provides near-constant support.
It is touching to see the care she extends to Dave and her sacrifice in doing so. But like millions of caregivers throughout the country, Yvonne views it as just another day of supporting her loved one. That humility, fearlessness and selflessness are why we must do what we can to make each day just a little bit easier. Military families are among the most visible when their service member is wounded and rightly receive the proper assistance they require. But that can quickly evaporate after transitioning back to civilian life.
But with DAV Caregivers Support, they won’t have to face it alone.
Visit https://rly.pt/DAVCaregiversSupport to learn more.
Edited 8 mo ago
Posted 8 mo ago
Responses: 8
I've Had Multiple Issues With Our VA Medical Services Out Here In Vegas For About 30 YEARS,
Just This Morning (07/09/2024) I Contacted The VA Emergency Hot Line In Washington ~ AGAIN~
And Because Of The Stupid-ness Of An Unresolved Issue I Was Referred To The D.A.V.
And Now Their Having To Deal With These SOB'S ~ I SWEAR, This VA Is SO Screwed Up,
I'm Amazed Their Doors Have Been Slammed Shut.
Just This Morning (07/09/2024) I Contacted The VA Emergency Hot Line In Washington ~ AGAIN~
And Because Of The Stupid-ness Of An Unresolved Issue I Was Referred To The D.A.V.
And Now Their Having To Deal With These SOB'S ~ I SWEAR, This VA Is SO Screwed Up,
I'm Amazed Their Doors Have Been Slammed Shut.
(Join to see)
They are as bad now as they were under Carter. They missed my recurrent lymphoma for two years. The oncologist actually yelled at me and told me that I was wasting task payer money and if she said I wasn't coming out of remission, then I wasn't. She was the doctor and she knew better. So it got a good head start before a cancer center confirmed that I definitely was out of remission and there was no cure.
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
(Join to see) -
WHEW I DO Understand.. See My Post Above?
The VA HOT Lady Listened To What I Had To Say,
And Simple Gave Me THIS Phone Number 1-800- 488-8244
So I Dialed It , NOW The Inspector Generals Office Also Has The Case.
ALL Over My Former Primaries Refusal To Approve My Request
A Portable Oxygen Machine, And Trelegy Inhalers To Treat For My COPD.~
~ I'm Entitled To It, Orders All Set And Ready To Be Shipped. ~~
The ONLY Reason I DO NOT Already Have Them Is, Because My Primary
Refused To Approve The Order ~ BECAUSE, I Left Messages For Him To Call Me
FOUR Times ~ And I Requested My 6th Time To Be Recorded..
And I Said Every Word To Be Understood, Including Questioning
His Parentage.. .And Pissed Him Off.... NOW I'm Also After HIS, Too
WHEW I DO Understand.. See My Post Above?
The VA HOT Lady Listened To What I Had To Say,
And Simple Gave Me THIS Phone Number 1-800- 488-8244
So I Dialed It , NOW The Inspector Generals Office Also Has The Case.
ALL Over My Former Primaries Refusal To Approve My Request
A Portable Oxygen Machine, And Trelegy Inhalers To Treat For My COPD.~
~ I'm Entitled To It, Orders All Set And Ready To Be Shipped. ~~
The ONLY Reason I DO NOT Already Have Them Is, Because My Primary
Refused To Approve The Order ~ BECAUSE, I Left Messages For Him To Call Me
FOUR Times ~ And I Requested My 6th Time To Be Recorded..
And I Said Every Word To Be Understood, Including Questioning
His Parentage.. .And Pissed Him Off.... NOW I'm Also After HIS, Too
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
(Join to see) -
NOW Reference Cancer:~ Our Mother~ 2 Brothers,~ 1 Sister ~
1 Niece ~ 1 Nephew ~ And 1 Aunt ~ Have Been Lost To Cancer.
NOW Reference Cancer:~ Our Mother~ 2 Brothers,~ 1 Sister ~
1 Niece ~ 1 Nephew ~ And 1 Aunt ~ Have Been Lost To Cancer.
LCpl Odell Taylor
A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney -
Please understand that I personally do not know what you have been been through and endured concerning the VA. I only know what I have been through with the VA. And, to the unfamiliar observer what I am about to reveal may appear to be 'ol' vet' BS!
I hand-delivered my medical records from my civilian doctors on my 1st scheduled visit to my primary care VA doctor. He had them in his hand no more than 45 SECONDS and told me I had never had a lung operation.
I had an operation performed to removed the lower lobe of my left lung at age 15 in 1958. I was told I would never be able to join any branch of the US Military. Three years later, August 16, 1961 found me standing on the yellow foot prints at MCRD, PI, SC.
I saw him but three times. Each of those three times that doctor inferred or intimated to me that he thought I was lying or was full of s**t. I later found that during one of those visits he had labeled me as a hypochondriac.
I did not know we weren't allowed to just drop in on the Director of the entire facility without an appointment...I'll leave the rest of what happened to your imagination...No! They called Security to my dumb-ass and were about to have me incarcerated! That's when I learned about Patient Advocates!
In case you are not aware, I tell you this to let you know that the VA has individuals known as 'Patient Advocates'. Their sole duty is to look after the Veteran's best interest. If you have issues with any aspect of how you think you are being serviced by the VA...ANYTHING...take your grievance to an 'Advocate'. They will attempt to work with you in every way.
Btw...they had me assigned to another doctor...immediately after my 1st encounter with them. The VA Police came to the Advocate's office with intentions of arresting me. The advocate assured them she was in control of the situation and to leave me alone. They did!
Please understand that I personally do not know what you have been been through and endured concerning the VA. I only know what I have been through with the VA. And, to the unfamiliar observer what I am about to reveal may appear to be 'ol' vet' BS!
I hand-delivered my medical records from my civilian doctors on my 1st scheduled visit to my primary care VA doctor. He had them in his hand no more than 45 SECONDS and told me I had never had a lung operation.
I had an operation performed to removed the lower lobe of my left lung at age 15 in 1958. I was told I would never be able to join any branch of the US Military. Three years later, August 16, 1961 found me standing on the yellow foot prints at MCRD, PI, SC.
I saw him but three times. Each of those three times that doctor inferred or intimated to me that he thought I was lying or was full of s**t. I later found that during one of those visits he had labeled me as a hypochondriac.
I did not know we weren't allowed to just drop in on the Director of the entire facility without an appointment...I'll leave the rest of what happened to your imagination...No! They called Security to my dumb-ass and were about to have me incarcerated! That's when I learned about Patient Advocates!
In case you are not aware, I tell you this to let you know that the VA has individuals known as 'Patient Advocates'. Their sole duty is to look after the Veteran's best interest. If you have issues with any aspect of how you think you are being serviced by the VA...ANYTHING...take your grievance to an 'Advocate'. They will attempt to work with you in every way.
Btw...they had me assigned to another doctor...immediately after my 1st encounter with them. The VA Police came to the Advocate's office with intentions of arresting me. The advocate assured them she was in control of the situation and to leave me alone. They did!
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