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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Jul 13, 2021
Charmain Bogue
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Cpl Vic Burk
Charmain Bogue Fortunately I don't need retraining but I am glad the V.A. is assisting those who need it.
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
>1 y
well... it's not that great.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
>1 y
I was going to ask you to elaborate but I see you did below TSgt Ann Smith
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SPC David Batterson
No veteran should have to remain unemployed. This is an excellent program, which is needed.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
>1 y
SPC David Batterson Very true but with the job market the way it is today anyone who is unemployed is unemployed by choice.
TSgt Ann Smith
TSgt Ann Smith
>1 y
Program is very limited.
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TSgt Ann Smith
This program has lots of shortfall. I wish they just gave the Forever GI bill to all of us, especially me, someone who actually deployed to the Golf War and not just born during that time! You more than likely wont live near the short list of schools that offer your program so there goes a chunk of your BHA, or you won't find a school offering you what exactly you are looking for. Plus the program only give us only a year and they started approving us in the MIDDLE of a missed Spring semester! (So that leaves only 3 semesters left but most schools only offer 2 semesters a year "Summer and Spring of next year" and we all already missed this Spring semester-Thanks VA!) I am looking for Graphics design that is focused on "Animation", not photoshop and illustrator. I'm gonna have to beg this one school "Western Iowa Tech" to offer their "Video Game Design diploma degree through VRRAP". They are on the list but funny they only offer the longer 4 semester Assoc. degree in Graphics Design through VRRAP, which you wont finish in time! Sessions College offers a "Digital Media Certificate" but it will be only be 16.5 credit hours for me because I've already taken some of those classes before with them, Split that into 2 semesters and that's less than full-time student $$! This will force me to concentrate more on a job instead of studies. Sessions is going to get the most VRRAP design students, but the students won't be happy unless you already have some knowledge in Adobe. You have to read a lot on your own, then try to follow the steps on your own. Yeah, so, just look up how to do it (better) on YouTube. It's the only way you will pass and have some real-life knowledge of the subject. Most of the time depending on what you take, there will be NO exams, so it's an easy school to pass, but knowledge-wise..."C+". The reading and teaching method makes the most exciting subject BOARING! Like Logo design-How the heck do you make that boring-well, THEY do! Unfortunately I am going to have to end up back there if I can't get into Iowa online. Limited list-Limited time-Limited choice-Limited money.
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
>1 y
TSgt Ann Smith Thanks for sharing your experience with this program. It may be the luck of the draw that they have what a person is looking for.
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