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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Sep 18, 2020
SGT Joseph Gunderson
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Responses: 22
SGT Philip Roncari
I think this is an excellent depiction of the Military through the eyes of civilian society,over the many years since I left the Service have witnessed all of the phases you have described,from being reviled (my generation) to be thought of as not having the intelligence to make in the business world as some of our politicians have stated (John Kerry) social media lately has cheapened the role of our Military with the help of some our younger immature Service members,but those of us that served and are serving today took an Oath to protect and defend that is the bottom line.
SFC Leon Amer
SFC Leon Amer
>1 y
Sgt Ed Allen - Haven't you been watching the news the last 6 years? Build yourself an 80% collection of lead launchers while you still can, totally off the books except for credit card receipts, and refresh your training, cuz we're (veterans of your approximate age, including me) gonna need all the buddies we can scrounge up to save our beloved country from going down the Socialist toilet ! Even if Trump is reelected, we need to be ready for whomever runs in 2024 !
Sgt Ed Allen
Sgt Ed Allen
>1 y
SFC Leon Amer - The heavily conservative area that I'm in is very much prepared in the event of "civil" strife. Most already know who to talk to if they need neighborly assistance with home protection. As for the liberals who are burning down the cities and the idiots that support them. Most life in large urban cities/communities.

Cordon off the "blue" zones (Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, /Seattle, New York and a few other major cities). No trucks in, no trucks out. They'll fight themselves and have to deal with the fact that they only survive because of the people in the "red zones". That's were all the food and resources are. Give them 30 days and the socialist quacks are gone.

Several people have already put up youtube videos that show the problem with living in the cities. They produce very little but use a whole lot. They are anti gun. Meanwhile, in all the red states/counties/cities that hard working farmers and hunters live, they are very comfortable with firearms and with freedom.

I don't believe it will come to that. I believe, hope/pray that the next 4 years stops the "progressives" and that people suddenly realize just how stupid it would be to try and live the socialist life.

Maybe I'm wrong. For my grand daughter's, I pray I'm right.
Cpl Burch Russell
Cpl Burch Russell
>1 y
Well said.
SGT Philip Roncari
SGT Philip Roncari
>1 y
SGT Dan Gray - Totally agree with ALL your assessments of the aforementioned Horseface Kerry,but that disgraceful lowlife must be remembered by name ,if only to remind the younger generation that his miserable legacy must not soil those that served with selfless duty and honor,be well Brother.
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SFC Casey O'Mally
You forgot one of the tropes.
The emotionless raging alcoholic with PTSD. Because you KNOW that every single veteran has PTSD, right?
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
I don't want to be mean about this but, I am one of the oppressed minority in this area. I am a combat wounded Army Vietnam veteran and I know almost every anti-Marine Corps joke there is and they have been around since Rome formed their Marines and they even wore green cloaks! After I retired from my career in federal law enforcement I became one of the town cops Quantico and I had an appointment with the base sergeant-major and we came to a very sensible gentleman's agreement about dealing with wayward young Marines. Since we both agreed that the officers were too busy to deal with all these minor problems we would deal with them imaginably. Perchance if some wayward young Marine were to get into some slight problem we would not ruin his career. He would be placed into shall we say "constructive channels". Gentle readers you ask what are "constructive channels"? Well gentle readers "constructive channels" are that you will dig a fighting position for a light armored vehicle under the supervision of a young corporal who has to learn the trade under the instruction of a pair of really nasty and devious old sergeants and the general consensuses form these young corporals was "you two are so devious you really scare me. The base sergeant-major and I would just smile at them because we both knew that those skill are taught at any N.C.O. academy. Years later I met one of our wayward young Marines and he said "Hey Officer Ray, I am a gunnery sergeant now. Then he introduced me to his friend saying this is this is "Officer Ray". His friend looked at me and his friend said "Officer Ray? I thought he was an urban legend." I looked at my friend and said Hollywood Marine and he laughed. Now I understand the Marine Corps is thinking about closing both Paris Island and San Diego and all I will say is don't do it!
PVT Raymond Lopez
PVT Raymond Lopez
>1 y
It affects all of us who have lost friends in combat because everyday we are alive we ask ourselves why we are alive whilst our friends died.
SMSgt Lisa S.
SMSgt Lisa S.
>1 y
SSG Motor Transport Operator
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes but that's another subject.
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SSG Dennis R.
Overall, the nation tends to ignore the fact that the military is but a microcosm of the very society paying for it. Chock full of fallible, fukked-up human beings.
SMSgt Nick Zynko
SMSgt Nick Zynko
>1 y
Wisdom! Well Said.
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