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Command Post What is this?
Posted on Nov 17, 2014
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Responses: 41
SFC Mark Merino
I know more people who buy medals for their loved ones who have passed on than for those who are looking to rip people off. I like going with families to clothing and sales and helping them put together a shadow box for pop pop or nana. So many people have no idea of the significance of the medals that were awarded until you have them hold it in their hands and explain what they mean. Too many veteran don't share their experiences and those stories and history risks being lost.
SSG(P) Matthew Bisbee
SSG(P) Matthew Bisbee
>1 y
You are able to get one replacement medal set free of charge from the DOA and even have your name engraved on the back of them.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
>1 y
Mark it is great you help people like that. I have been helping people decipher loved ones awards as of late. They are usually clueless as to what they have
Sgt Tom Cunnally
Sgt Tom Cunnally
9 y
Did you read "Flag of Our Fathers"..???? Navy Corpsman "Doc" Bradley was awarded the Navy Cross for bravery on Iwo Jima in addition to helping with the second flag raising on Mount Suribachi His son only learned about this medal after Bradley passed away. The Navy Cross is our nation's second highest award.
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>1 y
I very much enjoy sitting down with a family and coaching them through the process of requesting the records, sometimes for themselves, sometimes a deceased relative. Especially in the case of a deceased relative, being able to explain what the different things mean gives them a sense of deeper understanding.
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PO3 Brendan "Smitty" Smith
I have the easiest way to stop this. If you get caught receiving material benefits from wearing a military uniform without having served, you get drafted. Go to boot, go immediately to boot, do not pass go, do not collect your free lunch from Applebee's. Oh, and let everyone in their division know why they are there.
PO3 Brendan "Smitty" Smith
PO3 Brendan "Smitty" Smith
9 y
SPC Tim Richardson - How about Undesignated Seaman? Go from boot directly to a ship, get assigned to deck division and have a bunch of old, angry Boatswain's Mates give you all the shit jobs.
SN Alex Tufail
SN Alex Tufail
9 y
That's it right there. Go to boot, Undes, E-1
Side crew duties when you arrive at the command.
SFC Jay Spreitzer
SFC Jay Spreitzer
>1 y
I bet that would reduce the number of stolen valor cases. Although not sure I would want them serving with me.
SGT Stephen Williams
SGT Stephen Williams
>1 y
They got mental issues anyway so who cares! Hell we all know PX Rangers
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SFC Mark Merino
I agree with your argument right up to the last paragraph when you said "As long as people are able to buy uniforms and medals online, they will continue to get away with impersonating service members. You shouldn’t be able to just buy these items by clicking your mouse."

To me, that is the same as blaming the gun when some nut job shoots people.

I would like to think that there are more people in the world that but items online for legitimate purposes than these broken minds that feel the need to steal valor from those who have truly earned it. I would include a mandatory warning on the web site that makes the penalties for stolen valor known. As far as the punitive actions, whatever is on the books for impersonating any licensed/credentialed should apply. Each act of stolen valor needs to be an additional charge based on the value of whatever benefit they are trying to falsely claim.
SPC Donald Moore
SPC Donald Moore
>1 y
I still have my Class A uniform with all the flair from my last unit, still in plastic wrap from the last time I prepped it for inspection. I have been fortunate that nothing has happened to it in all these years, but if something did happen to it, I might not replace the uniform, but I would want to replace the ribbons for my own "sentimental" reasons that I don't quite understand.
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
>1 y
My Uniform was (for lack of a better word) RAPED by my family when I left it there for them to watch, 1st I was told my mom had given it to Good Will, then I found out it had actually been given to my brother who was told it was his dads, after a lengthy convo with him I made it clear that his dad was an engineer and what he had was a Infantry uniform. As said when I got it back 8 years later it had nothing left on it, I wrote to the Da records dept and received all awards I had been awarded but had to find places to remake the name tag , get new service stripes and over seas stripes, rank and chords.
SPC Donald Moore
SPC Donald Moore
>1 y
SGT Michael Glenn, Small world! I think that you are the first person I have seen here that was stationed the same place, at about the same time, as I was.
That sucks about your uniform getting dismantled. I am not sure I would know where to start if I had to replace some of these items. I got them from the supply guy at my last duty station.
SGT Michael Glenn
SGT Michael Glenn
>1 y
What years and what unit were you with???
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