CCAF Instructor Certification, Level III
CCAF Instructor Certification, Level III
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CCAF Instructor Certification, Level III
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This group was created in relation to CCAF Instructor Certification (CIC) Program. It may provide information as it is available from contributing members/visitors and is not intended to replace or serve as any official information source.
If there are any questions, comments and/or corrections to information that may be incorrect or out-of-date please do make it known in the discussions page.
To obtain more information concerning the CCAF Instructor Certification (CIC) Program and program procedures, refer to the CCAF Campus Affiliations PPG or contact the CCAF Credentialing Programs Flight at DSN 749-5020 / (334) 649-5020 or E-mail:

Requirements to earn this certificate
Eligibility: Qualified Instructors who meet CIC Program requirements are eligible. Once an instructor leaves CCAF instructor duty, they are no longer eligible for the CIC.
· A qualified instructor is a CCAF instructor who has completed the CCAF faculty development program and is assigned to a CCAF affiliated school teaching a CCAF credit-awarding course. The instructor may be an officer, enlisted, civil service, contractor, other-service, or foreign-service member.
· Instructor Assistants, Student Instructors, Guest Lecturers, Subject-Matter Experts, Speakers of Opportunity, approved EQILD instructors and instructors who do not teach a CCAF credit-awarding course are not eligible.
CIC Program Requirements: Instructors must meet the specific requirements of the certification level which they are being nominated for.
CCAF Instructor Certification - Level I (CIC-I). Qualification requirements:
- Currently teaching a CCAF credit-awarding course(s) at an affiliated school at the time of nomination.
- Assigned to a CCAF course(s) in the CCAF Faculty Database (STARS-FD).
- Completed at least 3 semester-hours of CCAF-approved Instructor Methodology coursework.
- Completed the 12-semester-hour CCAF Teaching Internship.
- Subject-matter qualified in the CCAF course(s) assigned to teach.
- Hold an associate’s or higher-level degree from an accredited college.
- Have at least 1 year teaching experience as a CCAF instructor from the Date Assigned Instructor Duties (DAID).
- Have at least 1,000 hours of documented practical experience teaching a CCAF course(s).
- Be recommended for certification by the affiliated school commander or commandant.
CCAF Instructor Certification - Level II (CIC-II). Qualification requirements:
- Currently teaching a CCAF credit-awarding course(s) at an affiliated school at the time of nomination.
- Assigned to a CCAF course(s) in the CCAF STARS-FD.
- Awarded the CIC-I.
- Subject-matter qualified in the CCAF course(s) assigned to teach.
- Have at least 2 years teaching experience as a CCAF instructor from the DAID.
- Have at least 2,000 hours of documented practical experience teaching a CCAF course(s).
- Be recommended for certification by the affiliated school commander or commandant.
CCAF Instructor Certification - Level III (CIC-III). Qualification requirements:
- Currently teaching a CCAF credit-awarding course(s) at an affiliated school at the time of nomination.
- Assigned to a CCAF course(s) in the CCAF STARS-FD.
- Awarded the CIC-II or OIC.
- Subject-matter qualified in the CCAF course(s) assigned to teach.
- Hold a Bachelor or higher-level degree from an accredited college.
- Have at least 3 years teaching experience as a CCAF instructor from the DAID.
- Have at least 3,000 hours of documented practical experience teaching a CCAF course(s).
- Have at least 24 semester hours of CCAF-approved teacher/instructor education coursework in one or more of the following subject areas (May be CCAF or civilian):
a. Instructional Methodology
b. Educational Counseling or Psychology
c. Academic and Performance Measurement
d. Curriculum or Instructional Development
e. Communication Skills
f. Instructional Technology

Value and benefit of this certificate
CCAF offers the CCAF Instructor Certification (CIC) Program for qualified instructors who teach CCAF collegiate-level credit awarding courses at a CCAF affiliated school. The CIC is a professional credential that recognizes the instructor's extensive faculty development training, education and qualification required to teach a CCAF course, and formally acknowledges the instructor's practical teaching experience. Qualified officer, enlisted, civilian and other service instructors are eligible for this certification.
NOTE: The CIC Program replaced the CCAF Occupational Instructor Certification (OIC) Program, which officially closed on 1 January 2011. The OIC is equivalent to the CIC-II. Members who were awarded the OIC after 31 March 2006 can request their awarded OIC be converted to the new CIC-II. To request conversion, members must send an E-mail to requesting their awarded OIC be converted to the CIC-II. Within the E-mail, include a mailing address and the last four of their SSAN. Members who were awarded the OIC prior to 1 April 2006 may not have their awarded OIC converted to the CIC-II due to the difference in published program requirements.

Advice on how to earn this certificate
As mentioned in the "Requirements to earn this certificate" section, individuals must meet all the "Eligibility" and "CIC Program Requirements" to earn the certificate.
To expand on a few of those requirements:
- An example of completing at least 3 semester hours of CCAF-approved Instructor Methodology coursework on a CCAF transcript:
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AIRTXXXX 0B1A, Basic Instructor Course
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2801, Instructional System Development (2 CCAF HRS)
EDT2806, Basic Counseling (2 CCAF HRS)
EDT2813, Instructional Methodology (5 CCAF HRS)
- An example of completing the 12-semester-hour CCAF Teaching Internship on a CCAF transcript:
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AIRTXXXX 0P1A, Teaching Internship
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2201, Supervised Teaching (8 CCAF HRS)
EDT2202, Curriculum Development (2 CCAF HRS)
EDT2203, Teaching Qualification (2 CCAF HRS)
- An example of completing at least 24 semester hours of CCAF-approved teacher/instructor education coursework on a CCAF transcript:
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AIRTXXXX 0C8A, Objectives and Tests
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT1102, Objective/Test Development (1 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
L6AIWTXXXX 0W1A, Occupational Survey Data
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2843, Occupational Survey Data (2 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AIRTXXXX 0T1A, Technical Writer Principles
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2823, Tech Writing (3 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AIRTXXXX 037, CCAF ISD Internship
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2204, ISD Planning and Analysis (5 CCAF HRS)
EDT2205, ISD Design and Development (5 CCAF HRS)
EDT2206, ISD Implementation and Eval (2 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
E6AIRTXXXX 0I1A, Principles of ISD
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2801, Instructional System Dev (1 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AIRTXXXX 0T1A, Tech Writer Res
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2838, Resident Course Dev (2 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AZRTXXXX 0D1A, Instructional Systems Design
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2801, Instructional System Dev (6 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
J3AIRTXXXX 0D3A, Training Development
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT2802, Dev & Mgt of Instructional Sys (3 CCAF HRS)
Air Force Course Number, Title:
E7AITTXXXX 0M2A, Training Management
Associated CCAF Course Code(s), Title(s), Hour(s):
EDT1808, Dev and Mgt of Training Prog (3 CCAF HRS)
Most recent contributors: TSgt Jacob Ortiz