Posted on Jun 7, 2016
1st Lt Consulting Engineer
I never understood why they roll differently (camo in vs out). Thoughts?
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Responses: 27
LTC Paul Labrador
Edited >1 y ago
Because they couldnt' figure out how to do it the Army way? ;o) While rolling it the Army/AF way was a bit more complicated upfront, unrolling them as a lot easier.
LCpl J.W. Y.
LCpl J.W. Y.
>1 y
No matter how the freaking Army roll up their sleeves, they will always look unsat except if you're a Ranger or Paratrooper.
MSgt Chandos Clapper
MSgt Chandos Clapper
>1 y
As a USAF E-7 I once rolled my BDUs like my Marine brothers and sisters and nobody said shit.
Capt Bill Taylor
Capt Bill Taylor
>1 y
Third MarDiv had a CG who ordered the army style sleeve roll in early 80s. The day after he left we were able to use the quick pull down and then roll our sleeves like Marines. A happy day.
Cpl Charles Trump
Cpl Charles Trump
>1 y
Bc that's the Marine way! At least we dont walk around with every ribbon and patch known to man!
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Sgt Michael Penney
Marines roll sleeves in a garrison setting, NEVER in the field or combat. As a 29 palms Marine I didn't roll sleeves ever. Base order was "sleeves down year round", and for good reason, the sun. Loose sleeves stop sunburn and decrease body temp, rolled sleeves expose the arm to burn; and we always roll our sleeves so tight, not even air could get thru there.
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
The only time I really wanted rolled sleeves was back in the days where I wore BDUs on the wards (and when they were still anal about ward staff not wearing scrubs). Having sleeves up and out of the way was more hygienic when taking care of patients.
LCpl Bruce Stephens
LCpl Bruce Stephens
>1 y
I was at 29 palms in 76 and our sleeves were up and down.
Cpl Sean Watkins
Cpl Sean Watkins
5 y
89 - 93 at the stumps. We rolled em during the summer as well, usually in the
Field minus a directive one way or the other we could do either
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CPO Steelworker
The Navy does not roll sleeves like Marines any more. They roll like Army and Air Force, and this is due to CBR Warfare. The change came in Jan 31, 2012 when the Navy Changed from the Green BDU's and DCU's to the new Green and Desert Brown Type III and Type II Digi uniforms.
CPO Steelworker
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
PO1 (Join to see) - You are thinking ground not on ship they will not always have sleeves down, and CBR for them is not same for us. I like the way they roll them now, I did for about two years after doing the Marine way for over 22 years. I am or was a CBR Chief and when this uniform was coming on line i.e. the Blue one we were asked for input on the sleeves, so you take it the way you want it.
Cpl Sean Watkins
Cpl Sean Watkins
5 y
I'd heard that this was the reason, always kinda struck me as stupid, if you're worried about a contact agent you're going to want mopp3 not Ute sleeves, and I never had a problem getting the jacket over rolled sleeves..
Cpl Sean Watkins
Cpl Sean Watkins
5 y
*at the very least Mopp 3
PO2 Todd Magee
PO2 Todd Magee
>1 y
I was AD Navy 85-91, As a Corpsman I never did do FMSS and go FMF so I always was blue side. My dungaree shirts were all short sleeve.
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