Posted on May 22, 2014
1SG Ariel Rosario
Just a discussion.
What can we learn from each other?

Both AC and RC are necessary. Having been in both I have my opinions but would like to hear how others feel on the following:

NCO Corps: I don't have an overall opinion on this one, but when it comes to the War Fighting functions, active duty NCOs have an edge, however in maturity, skill diversity and overall life skills to be able to mentor a Soldier the RC NCO has an edge.

Officer Corps: Overall, I'm of the opinion that the Reserve Component (including NG) has a more mature, diverse, and capable Junior (O-1 through O-3) Officer Corps than the Active Duty. However the pendulum starts to become even when you start getting to the Field Grades.

Full Spectrum Operations Overall, the National Guard is so much more diverse in regards to skills like farming, engineering, teaching, policing, contracting, nursing in addition to the individuals war fighting function.

Linear Battlefield and Specific Targets Acquisition send the AC Infantry units or Special Operations.

Physical Fitness:
AC should win this hands down because they have their soldiers all the time, there is no excuse why anyone should fail an APFT.

RC has the challenge of not having our soldiers 24/7 so we have to get creative, however it's a huge challenge.

Family Support: Yikes...this is a nightmare in the RC, specially during deployments.

Edited 11 y ago
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PO3 Aaron Hassay
Edited 10 y ago
I throw a new concept out there in the stratosphere.

Why not call those enlisted or commisioned in a part time status aka 'reserves' to serve their country something different then 'reserves'.

There are many reasons for this. Reserves is like a gas tank in the back of the garage that is probably not going to get used and will go stale at some point due to not being used.

Reserves you try not to use in most general concepts of what the term RESERVES is used in common vernacular.

Now is this true with how AKA reserves are being used even in Obligated 'IDT' Inactive Duty Training?

In my experience the Term 'Reservist' is a deragatory term used by those who assume much laziness and tea sipping Soldiers and Sailors getting free money for reading comics on a beach vacation.

No one would ever assume that in 48 hours over a weekend a kid could be tasked ordered extreme microfocused expectations of absorbtion of combat/operational stressors that only possibly Special Forces would attempt to shove in a kids head for 2 days to see if he would make or break.

So indeed this term 'RESERVE' does not give justice to the Crutch these Soldiers and Sailors truly are.

If we dig deep we will see that the RESERVES are leaned on heavy because beyond what can normally be expected on 2 days of training a month to augment active crews. The reason is all BUDGET reasons. The 'money pinchers' 'dime counters' want all the cake without the cost of a full time force. But they do not want the cost.

They do not care that they lean on a young american citizen who turned part time citizen soldier sailor out of high school then send him home without health care benefits beyond those 2 days in uniform where Active Duty Combat/Operation Occupational Stressors were experienced 2 straight hell raising days deployed at Sea.

And in that frame of mind. The Reserves aka the CRUTCH crew. Should be given 100 percent health care coverage in and out of uniform.

Heck, people that somehow got here from other countries who did not go to even high school here somehow are getting public benefits including health care with all sorts of public sympathy and empathy without even knowing what a Military Recruiter is.

I stand up for my military brethren.

I sacrificed. I learned what it is this RESERVE thing in a very unique now disbanded eliminated United States Navy Enlistment 8yrs served honorably first 5 years Combat/Operational Unit that did not even earn by proxy and good will or Common Sense a DD2214.

All soldiers and sailors need to see each other as brothers sisters regardless this silly active reserve thing that serves more to segragate instead of assimilate and depend and see value and become team.
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COL Deputy G2
Edited 7 y ago
There is a big mission for DOD. If the Guard or Reserves we’re not around then the active duty guys would have to be responding to the man made and natural disasters and crisis DSCA missions. I have yet to hear the active duty guys thank the Guard for taking on that $hit sandwich of a mission. I have spent 15 yrs active duty, 12 yrs NG-AGR, and 6 months as Reservist on ADOS-AC so I’ve had the opportunity to see a lot the mission sets. So yes we do need each other but you won’t see the active duty recognize that. No unless they have don’t some real reserve component time.
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SPC Brian Mason
I couldn't agree more. People need to learn their American History and quite fighting against each other. This is OUR country and yet we are fighting with each other, instead of 'all enemies foreign and domestic (our mostly crappy government).
Regardless of being Active or Reserve, we all need a better mindset. One of unity for ALL branches of the military. Don't forget your Veterans!!! I myself am one and I will do what I can, when I can; even if it means taking up arms myself. This soldier Medic won't stop even if I die.
People that hate us, want us to fail. They will celebrate at all our shortcomings. When we fight and bicker between ourselves they 'win'. We are setting ourselves up for having an extremely weak military. There will be no one to blame but those of us who continue this divide. ISIS would love nothing more than to turn American into the garbage that is Islam.
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