Posted on Mar 29, 2014
Woman of the Century....Hanoi Jane...Really?
Is there a statute of limitations of Treason?
Posted 11 y ago
Responses: 5
As news people continue to be trained, indoctrinate, by the left/communist adoring professors, that will be the standard.
The good is being called bad and the bad good. Kerry is the perfect example. William Ayers is another. Mumia is is another.
Those so called journalist rewrite history daily. Cesar Chavez is a hero of he workers, yet he was against illegal immigration...
This has to be the dumbest thing I have heard in a very long time. Next they will be telling us that John Kerry is the man of the century after making the comment that if you served in Vietnam you were a baby killer. How stupid have we as a nation become? I believe if she had been anyone else she would have been tried for treason. I can't speak for others, but I believe she should have been and then executed for that stunt in North Vietnam. This is just my opinion, so slam me if you will but I stand by what I have said.<br>
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