Posted on Mar 2, 2015
MAJ Senior Observer   Controller/Trainer
Benjamin netanyahu 2654510k
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address a joint session of Congress tomorrow. Will his address have an impact on US Mideast policy and the Administration's efforts to reach a nuclear arms agreement with Iran?
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Responses: 12
COL Jason Smallfield, PMP, CFM, CM
- Will PM Netanyahu's speech to Congress have a major impacton US Mideast policy? Unfortunately no for the following reasons:
1. The Obama administration has shown over the past 6 years that it does not work well with others (either US internal or external with US allies) and does not work in a collaborative manner. Unilateral action is the trend both internally and externally.
2. The administration has shown that it will not let facts get in the way of what it wants do. Several examples of this to include but not limited to Obamacare (if you like your doctor you can keep him, if you like your plan you can keep it) and Radical Islam (ISIS is a JV team, we are winning against terrorism).
3. The administration has shown that it punishes those who do not sing from their sheet music (pick any SECDEF over the past 6 years) while rewarding those who do even if they are ineffective (VA, AG). Punishment has various levels of severity ranging from public attacks to termination to merely cutting out of the loop. Want to guess where PM Netanyahu falls within range?
4. Will be interesting to see the administration position on a possible nuclear arms agreement with Iran. Is this a treaty requiring Senate approval or an "agreement" that the administration can pursue unilaterally? I am guessing it will be the latter and not the former.
SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
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CPO Bill Towart -
global warming 50 years from now is more important than global cooling vic Israel and Iran in about 7 years after judgement day from IRAN...
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SFC Michael Jackson, MBA
I don't think the Obama Administration cares what Prime Minister Netanyahu says. It obviously wasn't important for the President or he would have met with him.
CPO Culinary Specialist
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I can most certainly hope it did not interrupt any time the POTUS might have had to spend with his family. Most surely know his family is much more important, especially in this case. What a backlash he is getting back in Israel, I am happy to see that also.
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CPO Culinary Specialist
I am so sick of the fighting. The manipulation and even use of the very inner emotions of people to put one against another. The comments I read here are so negative and hurtful. The labeling and pointing fingers at this admin, this religion or that religion or this faith and that faith and then people that call themselves brothers and sisters in arms attack one another instead of talk with and learn to understand one another.

Seems it is easier to answer most times on here with personal attacks instead of information and then listening to one another to understand how that information may or may not be able to be used or improved.

So many this past decade or more, since 9/11 have been so quick to point fingers and then attack. The labeling of liberals, republicans, democrats and haters, zealots, anti-American is even the words used to described the people we take an oath to lay down our lives to protect. This is the uniform, this is the oath, this is the promise.

One thing I was always proud of in the military was this hate had not been so widespread on anything for many years. We had long since learned to allow others the opportunity to learn, grow, advance and flourish as people anybody that was willing to stand, take the oath and even profess to have a very deep loyalty to our country and our countries values. Then turn on one another like Judas at the flash of a silver coin or whatever trinket takes higher value over we as a people. We as a people remembering what this country was built, hard work, honesty, trust, cooperation and compassion. There were down sides of it all, those were and are the qualities we all still have to offer.

We first must look in my opinion inward before we continue down the road of hate and polarization in our military. We all took an oath, if you no longer wish to wear the uniform and uphold that oath, then leave, that is the first and most important issue in all this, what is this doing to our military?

You, me, we, all deserve better than this and none of us should stand for any of the dividing concepts. I am also very sick of the people that use the excuse of "Well they did this, or they did that and all the other comparisons that try and make our own shortcomings the result of someone else control. That is very sad.

Especially in the NCO and Officers represented on this site. If it is any consolation, I would still to this day lay down my life, not for yours, for the values and principles we all espouse. Who the other person is does not matter, protecting the concept of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness seems to be quite a handful right now.

No this is not a lecture, simply an observation of the questions I have been seeing and so many of the replies. The emotional sidetrack that destroys any possibility of constructive discussion is just such a dangerous animal.

My best, as always, I wish the best for all as we travel this journey.
SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Wow, way to read a post and then say the exact opposite. It is the unthinking attacks on the president and repeated 'magicians choice" judgments that have driven me from the republican party. It prevents the actual discussion of any issue because it immediately become s about the President, not any actual facts.
SSG Chemical Biological Radiological and Nuclear Operations Specialist
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Yes sir,

I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.I should not rise to the bait.
CPO Culinary Specialist
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG, I must start writing that on my own wall, and not stop until I am free at last, free at last, thank God almighty, I am free at last. ;)
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