Posted on May 31, 2015
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
Military enlisted ranks
Military officer ranks
I am not sure if this has been answered ( I did look), but I am curious as to why we (once we are a Veteran or Retired) still have the rank title in our names? I will be officially a disabled veteran on 11 June, and on 12 Jun, my title will no longer be SPC (P) Jay Heenan. I will just be Jay Heenan. I ask this, because often I notice that individuals that referred to as their rank even if they are no longer active, reserve or guard. I am not complaining, I am just curious that is all.

***EDITED on 31 MAY at 1938 hrs***

I owe each one of you an apology. I completely get why RP attaches our rank with our name as a Veteran (and retiree). I was reading all of the comments and I dawned on me that my issue was my own. I was angry at the things that happened to my while in the service that prevented me from being promoted. So I apologize for directing my anger at a place it had no business being. I am sorry and God Bless.
Posted in these groups: Rank RankRetirement logo Retirement2dcac4a3 RallyPoint
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 22
SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL
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SSgt Charles Edwards
I've been out over four years and some of my former troops still refer to me as Sarge.
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
>1 y
SSgt Charles Edwards, I've been out 43 years and USAA still refers to me as Captain.

It feels strange every time, but I take it as a sign of respect - deserved or not.
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LTC Hillary Luton
I am not an authority on this subject, but my best guess would be because RP is a military forum.  As such, it is simply respectful to recognize an individual's last rank upon retirement or separation from service.  Possibly RP is trying to keep the military aspect of the forum which includes rank.  Do I feel a little weird when someone addresses me as Ma'am now that I'm retired? Yes, I do, but I just let go.  I also feel a little weird when a soldier salutes me as I come through the gate even though I'm showing them a retired ID card.  It doesn't happen every time and I have to be honest, I don't know what the rules are on that, but I just politely salute back and drive on .  If they don't salute, I don't say anything.  
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
Unless you resigned your commission (and if you're sporting a blue DoD ID card, you didn't) you're still a LTC.....just a retired one....
LTC Hillary Luton
LTC Hillary Luton
>1 y
LTC Paul Labrador Unfortunately, I'm sporting a pink Retired Reserve card, but I get your point. I'll get the blue one in about 10 years. No pension for this kid right now. :-)
LTC Paul Labrador
LTC Paul Labrador
>1 y
Sgt Richard Buckner which is why it's not really a retirement pension, but really a retainer fee. As long as you are drawing it, you are still eligible for recall back to Active Duty.
LTC Hillary Luton
LTC Hillary Luton
>1 y
LTC Paul Labrador Actually, even though Retired Reserve are not receiving the pension until age 60, we are still eligible for retiree recall. We are not "officially" retired at this stage. It is what is referred to as a "gray area retirement". We are technically retired, but we don't receive a pension, we are not eligible for TriCare or VGLI but we can still use the commissary and PX and we still have an ID card, for what it is worth. We simply have to wait until we are 60 for the rest of our benefits to kick in and to draw retirement pay.
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