Posted on Sep 15, 2015
Why are so many people "Dissatisfied" with the Performance of President Obama?
I'm a HUGE Admirer of our President! I Personally Love the job he has done! Especially with what he had to tell with when he took over the Office! Many people seem to Disregard that fact! Why? I don't know! However, many of you seem Dissatisfied! Why? He hasn't done anything for this Country in terms of Moving it Forward? The Country hasn't Progressed under him? What are your Thoughts!
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 147
I for one am not happy with any of them in the last 20 years or so. That includes the house, senate, ans the Scotus. Elections are now a choice of who do I think will screw things up the least.
SSgt Randy Saulsberry
that is probably the best statement that could have ever been made. wish i would have thought of i tfirst.
SPC Andrew Griffin, not that I am dissatisfied with President Obama. I only feel that much much more could have been done. At some point you have to take responsibility for your own actions. A missed opportunity due to political rivalry? Really, can we start thinking like Americans again and whats best for America.
SPC Andrew Griffin
I respect this! And you Raise some Great Post! Thank you very much for your Perspective!
I'm not a birther. I will admit that I did not know that only one of your parent had to be a citizen to be a naturalized citizen. I thought that you had to be born here or on a territory or Ia military installation. I knew that Kerry had sent lawyers to inquire if John Mc'Cain met those requirements. The birther movement was just to raise money by some fringe group. But Ted Cruz brought it up in an interview. Why he was eligible to run for president. But no one said this about Obama when people asked for his birth certificate.
I don't know if this is relevant to your question. But they use this to bash Rebublicans. I never heard the GOP leadership ask for it. Maybe some no name Congressman. Last I'm a partisan, I do not hate Obama. And even when Congress fast track his trade bill. He thanks them and with the other side of his mouth, in his next breath he belittled them. The tea party is not radicle. They don't shut down businesses, use the "n", word. But listening to Obama you would think they are the biggest group of racist. Do you remember the protest during the Bush adminisration. They had banners of President Bush as Hitler and as a Monkey. when I see or hear Obama his being black does not come to my mind. He's just another American. It's people in his party that keep bringing up his color.
I don't know if this is relevant to your question. But they use this to bash Rebublicans. I never heard the GOP leadership ask for it. Maybe some no name Congressman. Last I'm a partisan, I do not hate Obama. And even when Congress fast track his trade bill. He thanks them and with the other side of his mouth, in his next breath he belittled them. The tea party is not radicle. They don't shut down businesses, use the "n", word. But listening to Obama you would think they are the biggest group of racist. Do you remember the protest during the Bush adminisration. They had banners of President Bush as Hitler and as a Monkey. when I see or hear Obama his being black does not come to my mind. He's just another American. It's people in his party that keep bringing up his color.
Capt Jeff S.
I am a birther and not ashamed to admit it. And no, the birther movement was not to raise money for some fringe group. Anyone with a pulse should be able to see through all the obfuscation and delay with regards to Obama dancing around issues of his eligibility to figure out something was amiss. It was only after Trump threatened to investigate his eligibility that the long form BC came out and that was proven to be a computer generated forgery. I don't care where he was born. The fact that he is lying about his background and dancing around the issue tells me he's ineligible. Nancy Pelosi would not have gone through the trouble to reword her endorsement removing the words "Constitutionally qualified" from it if she didn't have reservations about his eligibility. Everyone in DC knows he has problems with his eligibility, and nobody did anything about it. Every world leader knows Obama's a fraud and we have the rest of the world scratching their heads at how we could be so freaking STOOPID! as to elect a guy who wasn't vetted properly for office, and as if that weren't bad enough, after breaking nearly every promise to voters, and presiding over the most scandal plagued Administration in U.S. history whilst holding nobody accountable for all the screw-ups, people re-elected him. Well, at least that's what we're told. Over 100% of registered voters voting in key Swing State precincts, including dead people, illegals, and people voting multiple times insured that Obama would be able to finish the job of screwing up our economy. And again, our elected leaders FAILED the American people. They have all the evidence they need to impeach Obama yet they refuse. Why? What dirt does he have on them? One can only wonder. We The People are the biggest losers because we have not held our elected officials accountable and now it is coming back to bite us. We are losing our freedoms, and allowing PC to destroy our country. Shame on us.
BTW, Ted Cruz is not eligible. His father was a Canadian citizen at the time of his birth and Cruz held dual citizenship. The whole idea behind natural born (as described by Vattel, whose treatise "The Law of Nations" our Founding Fathers drew inspiration from) is that your loyalty can not be questioned. If you have dual citizenship there will always be a question of divided loyalty. The only way you can remove all doubt as to where one's loyalty is, is to have two U.S. citizens and be born on U.S. soil so that you aren't a citizen of any other country. Cruz fails the test of natural born as our Founding Fathers understood it. Our corrupt courts are reinterpreting things in ways that defy common sense. I don't understand how anyone including Ted Cruz himself could believe that he is eligible to be President. I like him. He's an outstanding Senator. I agree with him on most everything. I just don't think he's eligible to be our President and believe he should stay in the Senate and continue representing the people of Texas, which he does very well.
BTW, Ted Cruz is not eligible. His father was a Canadian citizen at the time of his birth and Cruz held dual citizenship. The whole idea behind natural born (as described by Vattel, whose treatise "The Law of Nations" our Founding Fathers drew inspiration from) is that your loyalty can not be questioned. If you have dual citizenship there will always be a question of divided loyalty. The only way you can remove all doubt as to where one's loyalty is, is to have two U.S. citizens and be born on U.S. soil so that you aren't a citizen of any other country. Cruz fails the test of natural born as our Founding Fathers understood it. Our corrupt courts are reinterpreting things in ways that defy common sense. I don't understand how anyone including Ted Cruz himself could believe that he is eligible to be President. I like him. He's an outstanding Senator. I agree with him on most everything. I just don't think he's eligible to be our President and believe he should stay in the Senate and continue representing the people of Texas, which he does very well.
I would like to Thank everyone for Responding! I have learned ALOT! Excellent Commentary! Boy! You all are Very Intelligent and have some Flamboyant Personalities! I enjoyed you all! Be Blessed!
there are not any more people dissatisfied with obama as there were for any other president.
If you disagree with Obama policies. It is because he is black. When he is met with opposition. It because he is black. If you think that Obama is not qualified to be presed end. You are a racist and a biggit. I could go on. I'm amazed that he has not invited "Black lives matter", to the White House.
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
COL Ted Mc - Lol, so a Governor of one of the biggest states and a Vice President aren't qualified. Sorry I can't stope laughing. So if I want to start protest Ibama is my candidate. Hah, now I know you aren't seriousness. Blake kives matter is a hate group funded by George Soros. But I'm never going to change your opinion.
COL Ted Mc
TSgt Kenneth Ellis - Sergeant; Mr. Bush was, indeed, the Governor of Texas (the second biggest state in the Union) and the first time he travelled outside the United States of America (other than trips to Mexican bars) was when?
Constitutionally, someone with an IQ of 50 and a lengthy criminal record is "qualified" to be the President of the United States of America provided that they were born in the USA, have lived more than 14 years in the USA, and are 35 years old (or older). Mr. Bush was more "qualified" than that.
It all depends on what level you want to set your standards at.
Face it Ms. Palin was "qualified" to be the President of the United States of America (and she had been the Governor of a state even bigger than the one that Mr. Bush had been the Governor of).
Constitutionally, someone with an IQ of 50 and a lengthy criminal record is "qualified" to be the President of the United States of America provided that they were born in the USA, have lived more than 14 years in the USA, and are 35 years old (or older). Mr. Bush was more "qualified" than that.
It all depends on what level you want to set your standards at.
Face it Ms. Palin was "qualified" to be the President of the United States of America (and she had been the Governor of a state even bigger than the one that Mr. Bush had been the Governor of).
COL Ted Mc
SSG Stafford Davis - Staff; It sometimes takes me a bit to catch up, but I do read the posts.
What you have to remember that many people are frustrated by what they perceive as "governmental indifference" and have a need to vent.
That being said, it is quite possible to vent politely and in an adult manner without resorting to the type of name calling that your mother told you you were too old for when you were in Grade Two.
What you have to remember that many people are frustrated by what they perceive as "governmental indifference" and have a need to vent.
That being said, it is quite possible to vent politely and in an adult manner without resorting to the type of name calling that your mother told you you were too old for when you were in Grade Two.
I'm curious. What exactly do you feel are his accomplishments during his term(s) in office? Also, do you think the previous administration was respected overall?
CPT Ahmed Faried
SPC Andrew Griffin - You made the cardinal error of saying positive things about our current President. That's a capital offense on RP.
We elected a politician that represented one of the most violent and disturbed cities in the nation to be our president. He has failed the energy industry, foreign policy is garbage, allowed civil unrest to reign over law and order, proposed and forced a failing and worthless socialized medical plan on the people, has done nothing but further strip rights from the American citizen, has authorized a reduction in our military to a crippling size, has lied repetetively about everything he has not done, supports the creation of minimum wage jobs vs sustainable income jobs, did I mention completely destabilized the middle east when he decided to not finish what was started, and sell his ethnic background as the reason for him doing a good job. It is a pathetic state of affairs when this is the best the absolute best the American people can do. He has no experience with the military or the intelligence community is a proponent of socialism. His mother and grandparents were socialists/communists. Seriously why do people not read? Pick up a history book or something....
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