Posted on Jun 17, 2016
CPT Jack Durish
Some argue that there wouldn't even have been a war on terror if President Bush hadn't started it. Others argue that President Obama won't fight it. Sadly, none of that matters now, does it? Let's talk about strategy because, ultimately, that's where the military comes in. President Bush's "Fly Paper" strategy had us fighting terrors in their home. President Obama's has us fighting here. It seems both have their fans, but nothing we're doing, at least not now, is doing any good according to the Director of the CIA.
Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 26
LTC David Brown
The Al Qada organization Bombed the World Trade Center the first time, blew up Kobar Towers, attack the USS Cole, and blew up two Embassies in Africa. All on Bill Clinton's watch. Nothing was done, then 9-11 occured . The conclusion of the 9-11 committee , they were at war with us. Bush called it a war on Terror but it had been going on for a long time!
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
All true. When President Obama refuses to even mention War on Terror or Islamic Terrorism, I am reminded of the decades when we refused to acknowledge that the Cold War was still a war. We tried "Containment" and "Detente". (It seems that Bush's "Fly Paper" strategy was a form of containment and the Obama's appeasement is a form of detente. We didn't "win" the Cold War until Reagan said we're at war and should act like it. Then, lo and behold, we won it.
Col Rebecca Lorraine
Col Rebecca Lorraine
8 y
They continue to conduct a war against us, and now we ignore it, say they are mental, shouldn't have had a gun. In 8 years it has spread back to our shores so our non combatants or families are at risk. We must fight in their homes, destroy the radicals and support the moderates. The affected countries must be willing to help. Or trump can build a wall around them and we keep them in.
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Sgt Tom Cunnally
Bush because Obama doesn't have a clear strategy on the War on Terror. Obama's war on terror includes the following:
1. Downplay the threat i.e., ISIS is contained, gains are being made on the battlefield and financial controls on their funding are in place.
2. Deflect the threat i.e., global warming and guns are a more serious threat to our National Security
3. Blame the prior administration for the War on Terror
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
All sadly true. Even if Bush were really to blame, what does it help to blame him?
CPO Greg Frazho
CPO Greg Frazho
8 y
Obama doesn't have a clear strategy, period. In fact, ambiguity and uncertainty are going to be the hallmarks, if you want to call them that, of his administration.
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MSgt Electrical Power Production
CPT Jack Durish
We have been battling the war on terror since The First Barbary War (1801–1805). The first of two Barbary Wars between the United States and the four North African states known collectively as the "Barbary States". Some folks need to remember some history. If they would teach history in school like they should our young generation would be informed.
CPT Jack Durish
CPT Jack Durish
>1 y
I keep going back to T.E. Lawrence's the Seven Pillars of Wisdom in which he describes working with the Arabs. I suspect that little has changed since his time and that some of his experiences could be beneficial to those trying to figure out a proper strategy.
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