Posted on Apr 2, 2016
Which PT style do you think is more effective, FM 21-20 or FM 7-22 - when it comes to APFT results?
Being part of the era of both 21-20 and 7-22 PT, both have their pros and cons to it. I think that 21-20 PT was more geared around and has the ability to be more effective in APFT results than 7-22 PT. I also think that PT should be conducted at the discretion of the unit leadership - based on the conditioning of the Soldiers in that unit. If this was done, PT would be more appreciated by all.
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
During my time it was 21-20 but as leaders we integrated many things into our PT. Mountain biking, many team sports type of programs. I loved soccer in MOPP or with body armor. Many long runs through the countryside's. Most of our PT while on base was geared towards friendly competition, team v team, etc. And then using a deck of cards for events or round robin style. I never did like the fall-in, extend to the left style for anything other than stretching.
21-20!is my preferred. I agree units should have the ability to choose according to their needs.
As of now, I think we should combine both. There are some good things in FM 7-22. However, if we are going to stick with the same PT test, then we should stick with what actually helps. I also think that PT should be held a the lowest level, meaning Team PT or Squad PT. I think the results can be better.
SFC Randy Purham If I only did PRT from FM 7-22 I would be lucky to get a 200 on the APFT, luckily that's not the case. And FM 21-20 was not much better anyway, a lot of running 3 times a week and 2 days of whatever people could come up with. What we need is a good, challenging pt program for everyone, not a PRT system made to barely maintain some fitness.
FM 21-20 it gave leaders a lot of room to find the pt plan that would best fit there unit and there mission. Like in PLDC we had to use 21-20 to make a pt plan when I went to ALC with 7-22 it was memorize these 31 different exercises in order.
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