Posted on Oct 13, 2014
When is it correct to salute with your left hand?
Responses: 338
CSM Clifford Fargason
LTC Brian Croteau - It goes both ways, a group of us practiced for a bit doing the left hand salute, then when walking as a group we all saluted with the left hand while passing an officer. He had the same reaction that your enlisted folks did. Boredom brews mischief.
ONLY if you are in Air Force ABU's wearing a Trident and a SF tab at a Clinton or Sanders rally.
LCpl Donald Faucett
With a Martini in your right hand with one finger pointing up gesturing up about chin level, with a smile of course. Warning, the Marine will grab your finger and sling you thru the window
I thought it was ok..if you had your cell phone in the right hand and you were talking to your I saw a specialist salute his company commander with his left hand while he was being yelled by his wife in his right. 1SG was not amused.
SGT Rick Donovan
I wonder if the 1SG gave him the "Army didn't issue you that wife" speech. It's always a crowd pleaser!
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