Posted on Dec 14, 2016
What was something you did while deployed that made it feel kind of normal?
Responses: 96
While stationed at Camp Hansen in Okinawa I found a goat farm north of Kinville. I grew up on a farm, with goats. I struck up a conversation with the farmer and next thing you know on Saturdays and Sundays when we were on island I was an unpaid farm hand. I was treated like a member of the family.
CWO3 (Join to see)
That makes 2 of us without a clue then, because in the roughly 8 of my 20 years in service spent deployed and separated from my family, I never thought of meeting the goat, sheep or other of my dreams. So if that's a standard joke I must have served in a different universe, which would exclude me from the "we" that you refer to. Maybe it's a USAF thing that us USMC types can't relate to. I always missed my wife and family but never had any ideations of carnal knowledge with anything on 4 legs. Since the TSgt has chosen not to qualify his remark personally I still have no idea what he alludes to, but understand what the Major is talking about firsthand and enjoyed his response.
Maj John Bell
PO1 John Juarez - The Major had a clue, I just didn't appreciate it. Because someone can say something doesn't mean they should. I try to conduct myself better than a 14 year old in the locker room. Clearly after thinking about it the TSgt thought he probably showed his ass since he chose not to respond.
SPC Heidi Goodnature
Maj John Bell - Sorry Sir - no idea what the initial comment was that I was LOLing about. I no longer see it.
CWO3 (Join to see)
That's a "once in a lifetime encounter" there. Most will never share that bond, let alone being in the same camp.
LTC Michael Hrycak
We had a CSM from Illinois Army National Guard whose son, also deployed, came to see him during Christmas. Getting together was a testament to the brotherhood we all enjoy. Christmas 2006, FOB Echo, Diwaniyah, Quadasiyah Province, Iraq, MND-CS
LTC Michael Hrycak
LTC Michael Hrycak - The Command Sergeant Major is in the black fleece, and I think his son is the Soldier standing to the left, his colonel is in between them (standing).
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