Posted on Aug 15, 2015
What should happen here? Is there a double standard for White House Officials and Military Members?
Responses: 25
As the saying goes, standards are standards....unless you are the one making the rules.....might just be a little of that going on here
LTC Bink Romanick
This is bogus and old news. Hee was sending the material for a book and was outted by brother officers.
Let's ask Gen Petraeus. This administration has torpedoed more military careers than I can recall.
SSG (Join to see)
Let's be straight here... Gen Petraeus sank his own career and got off light. The situation with Brezler is just ugly. I would expect extenuating circumstances to reduce his punishment to little more than a strong slap on the wrist, I hope and pray common sense kicks in soon. As for Clinton, we don't know that there was anything classified on her emails... only that she violated a policy against using personal email to conduct official business. If she was emailing classified documents from here personal email, that's another matter entirely. I'd prefer to see some evidence though before joining in the condemnation.
Sgt Tom Cunnally
From my reading about the General Petraeus Case, He shared classified information with his mistress who was writing a book about him. He admitted to making a serious error in judgement and pled guilty to the charges against him which were mishandling classified information.. He paid his fine and has tried to move on with his career as a civilian and restore his relations with friends and family.
Hillary Clinton has given her Private Server to the FBI who are conducting an investigation to determine if she or her staff violated any security laws.. If the FBI determines that security laws were violated then the case goes to the Dept of Justice for their determination to find out if Hillary or her staff violated security laws ..But who knows if AG Loretta Lynch charges Hillary or her staff with any violations of security laws???... I have no clue how this case will turn out. It could end very badly for Hillary or her staff or it could end with Hillary and her staff being completely cleared of any wrongdoing.. But the question is how will voters react to all of this?? Will they give Hillary one more chance or will they turn against her?? The answer is way above my pay grade..
Hillary Clinton has given her Private Server to the FBI who are conducting an investigation to determine if she or her staff violated any security laws.. If the FBI determines that security laws were violated then the case goes to the Dept of Justice for their determination to find out if Hillary or her staff violated security laws ..But who knows if AG Loretta Lynch charges Hillary or her staff with any violations of security laws???... I have no clue how this case will turn out. It could end very badly for Hillary or her staff or it could end with Hillary and her staff being completely cleared of any wrongdoing.. But the question is how will voters react to all of this?? Will they give Hillary one more chance or will they turn against her?? The answer is way above my pay grade..
LTC Bink Romanick
Petraeus like Brezler broke the law. This article is weak on the details of the case. Brezler saved the classified documents to write a book. I've read a lot on this case. This guy is no hero to me. He's a quibbling self serving weasel. He only turned himself in when he got caught. He's no whistleblower, that's weasling out. Petraeus torpedoed his own career when he followed his little general into battle.
SFC Mark Merino , my friend
SFC Mark Merino , my friend
Most politicians believe they're above the law. They have a false believe they were chosen to lead us. If they actually stuck to their job description and started to do what was right for their country things like this wouldn't be happening. All they have shown so far is that they are greedy and love to be in a position of power. Most of them are millionaires anyways.
This article for example, all he was trying to do was save the lives of good marines. But instead they are trying to make an example out of him.
This starts at the top and it will not end until we as a country can come together and vote them all out. I would have done the same thing if I was him.
This article for example, all he was trying to do was save the lives of good marines. But instead they are trying to make an example out of him.
This starts at the top and it will not end until we as a country can come together and vote them all out. I would have done the same thing if I was him.
SFC (Join to see)
I agree, we need to stop voting in the same people. Old names still ruling the country. It doesn't make sense how they continue to come into power.
Well, obviously you cannot compare a lowly Marine to the great and mighty Hillary. I mean, after all she is a Clinton, which makes her a legend (in her own mind at least)! Now if the Marine was the son of a politician, then it would be okay! All he would need would be his personal server. Of course the personal server would need to be the type Hillbilly Hillary uses, somehow emails just mysteriously disappear, making it okay! Now for me, the real question becomes how long are the American people going to tolerate the double standards between the "rulers" and the common folk???
Some of you might start doing some more Individual Free-Thinking. By pondering what you know, or think you know, and what you have well as separating that from what you WANT to believe, about REAL POWER.
And I'd suggest starting with considering this: Real Power is largely those in control of energy sources on international levels. These are often the same folks who can buy politicians globally to suit their agendas which include maintaining that power. In America, they buy both Republicans and Democrats, its essentially the same group of them who buy and control both, which also explains why "they" perpetuate the TWO party (illusion) system, because TWO is easier to control than "more than two"...which kinda also explains why any other parties can't even manage to appear on major ballots or debates, as the Reps/Dems seem to keep making up rules that prevent it, leaving some of us wondering what they're so afraid of (of course that's the assumption they are all about Merit and all of that other wholesome goodness we want them to be).
Getting back to the OP Topic, I'm sure there are some folks who are trying to get Hillary Clinton hung for her alleged crimes before she can get herself into the White House, because those things will likely be swept under the rug afterwards.
I don't know what disgusts me more....the attempt to use media to distract Americans with the death of Cecil the Lion, from the deaths of Benghazi Marines or our fallen brothers in Chattanooga, TN .... or that how well those attempted distractions actually work to the general population.
I'm sure some folks would go to the extent to aid and abet an EMP or H-EMP bomb being set off on US Soil in attempt to ensure evidence against Mrs. Clinton never surfaces. Meanwhile, we hear we are funding and training ISIS. What is FedGov doing to remedy how weak, old, and frail our Power Grid is? (Crickets eeep eeep eeep).
And I'd suggest starting with considering this: Real Power is largely those in control of energy sources on international levels. These are often the same folks who can buy politicians globally to suit their agendas which include maintaining that power. In America, they buy both Republicans and Democrats, its essentially the same group of them who buy and control both, which also explains why "they" perpetuate the TWO party (illusion) system, because TWO is easier to control than "more than two"...which kinda also explains why any other parties can't even manage to appear on major ballots or debates, as the Reps/Dems seem to keep making up rules that prevent it, leaving some of us wondering what they're so afraid of (of course that's the assumption they are all about Merit and all of that other wholesome goodness we want them to be).
Getting back to the OP Topic, I'm sure there are some folks who are trying to get Hillary Clinton hung for her alleged crimes before she can get herself into the White House, because those things will likely be swept under the rug afterwards.
I don't know what disgusts me more....the attempt to use media to distract Americans with the death of Cecil the Lion, from the deaths of Benghazi Marines or our fallen brothers in Chattanooga, TN .... or that how well those attempted distractions actually work to the general population.
I'm sure some folks would go to the extent to aid and abet an EMP or H-EMP bomb being set off on US Soil in attempt to ensure evidence against Mrs. Clinton never surfaces. Meanwhile, we hear we are funding and training ISIS. What is FedGov doing to remedy how weak, old, and frail our Power Grid is? (Crickets eeep eeep eeep).
This is the environment this administration has allowed to exist. There are double standards, double speak and all sorts of chicanery going around. If the former Sec of State was thought to have classified (Top Secret) docs on her personal server why isn't the DOJ moving heaven and earth to get to the bottom of it? They know where she is, where the server is, where her devices are etc. The first thing you do when there is a possibility of a breach like this is to protect the information quickly so no further harm is done.
COL Ted Mc
Cpl (Join to see) - Corporal; I'll take your word for it, but, in my opinion, Mr. Nixon had the choice of going quietly (with an ironclad promise of a "Presidential Pardon" in his pocket) or being ignominiously tossed out of office. There isn't a whole lot of "ethics" involved in choosing between the two.
Capt Walter Miller
The Obama DOJ can't even get indictments on Bush and Cheney, who have both openly admitted violating the federal statute outlawing torture.
Capt Walter Miller
Some big heads went to Nixon including Alexander Haig the WH CoS, and told him to resign or be tried.
It has come out in the last few years that Nixon actually ordered the Watergate break-in.
Since he was going to win in a land slide any way, that just shows what a nut job he was.
It has come out in the last few years that Nixon actually ordered the Watergate break-in.
Since he was going to win in a land slide any way, that just shows what a nut job he was.
Capt Walter Miller
Nixon squealed like a pig when his actions came out, but his Administration didn't ignore court orders the way the Reagan Administration did.
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There is a reason for this booK:,204,203,200_.jpg

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Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush [John W. Dean] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Nobody knows more, both from first hand experience and legal expertise, about the abuse of presidential power and their dangers than John Dean
Of COURSE it's a double standard. Only military members are prosecuted for crimes. Politicians who do the same thing get elected President! Didn't you get that memo CH (MAJ) (Join to see)?
PO1 John Miller
CH (MAJ) (Join to see)
Petraeus was sentenced to 2 years probation and a $100K fine. I'm sure a retired 4 star General could afford a fine like that. I also don't consider 2 years probation to even be a conviction. I believe that he should have gone to jail for what he did.
Petraeus was sentenced to 2 years probation and a $100K fine. I'm sure a retired 4 star General could afford a fine like that. I also don't consider 2 years probation to even be a conviction. I believe that he should have gone to jail for what he did.
CH (MAJ) (Join to see)
Sgt Richard Buckner in the event Secretary Clinton pleaded guilty to a felony, her aspirations to go back to the white house would be thwarted. Forth with.
PO1 John Miller
Sgt Richard Buckner
Did you not get the sarcasm in my post? Because of her name, I don't believe HRC will ever see a day in a prison cell.
Did you not get the sarcasm in my post? Because of her name, I don't believe HRC will ever see a day in a prison cell.
PO1 John Miller
Sgt Richard Buckner
I wish I could agree with you brother but I just have a gut feeling she will not get in any trouble or if she does it will be some kind of suspended sentence.
I wish I could agree with you brother but I just have a gut feeling she will not get in any trouble or if she does it will be some kind of suspended sentence.
Well, there is a double standard in place and we only have ourselves to blame for allowing this problem to fester. The people we elect hold themselves to the lowest of ethical standards and we accept that. We have come to expect politicians to lie and cheat and all those things we hang members of the military for. I think it's sad that those who are in charge of the military don't hold themselves to the same or higher standards of conduct. This is not something you should have to put into law. One would naturally expect leaders to lead by their example.
Bill Clinton was a lying cheat. He smoked but didn't inhale. He didn't have sex with "that woman!" He perjured himself under oath, was impeached, and kept his job. Most of the public STILL sees him as one of the greatest Presidents in modern times (SMH). His wife is tailor made for him and her lack of ethics goes all the way back to when she was fired from the Watergate committee for withholding evidence and other ethical violations. I have a feeling that she was simply being herself and this was not new behavior for her... and if history can tell us anything, it's that she doesn't learn from her mistakes. What does it matter? Right?!! And then there's Carlos Danger. What can you say about his sexting? The good news is that justice was served. He's gone and he now has his own business helping others with their PR disasters and his services don't come cheap... @@
We need leaders that aren't wrapped up in political correctness. We need leaders who hold themselves to high standards. We need leaders that set the bar high for those in their employ and LEAD by their own personal example.
Frankly, in a country of 330,000,000+ individuals, I find it amusing that we simply have a hard time finding them. And that is our fault. The people that would shine in political office avoid it because they value their families and their privacy and don't want to be fillet'd open for public inspection. They don't want to be subject to the burn of the media spotlight. We as consumers crave bad stories. And our tabloid media (which now includes the lamestream press) sells this country out for a juicy story. What we need is REAL Hope and Change... The kind that starts at the ballot box when we fire most every incumbent that is responsible for the mishandling of our country's finances and we investigate and convict them for corruption and for those guilty of it -- TREASON! << That is, if we still elect our candidates and our elections aren't decided for us beforehand.
Bill Clinton was a lying cheat. He smoked but didn't inhale. He didn't have sex with "that woman!" He perjured himself under oath, was impeached, and kept his job. Most of the public STILL sees him as one of the greatest Presidents in modern times (SMH). His wife is tailor made for him and her lack of ethics goes all the way back to when she was fired from the Watergate committee for withholding evidence and other ethical violations. I have a feeling that she was simply being herself and this was not new behavior for her... and if history can tell us anything, it's that she doesn't learn from her mistakes. What does it matter? Right?!! And then there's Carlos Danger. What can you say about his sexting? The good news is that justice was served. He's gone and he now has his own business helping others with their PR disasters and his services don't come cheap... @@
We need leaders that aren't wrapped up in political correctness. We need leaders who hold themselves to high standards. We need leaders that set the bar high for those in their employ and LEAD by their own personal example.
Frankly, in a country of 330,000,000+ individuals, I find it amusing that we simply have a hard time finding them. And that is our fault. The people that would shine in political office avoid it because they value their families and their privacy and don't want to be fillet'd open for public inspection. They don't want to be subject to the burn of the media spotlight. We as consumers crave bad stories. And our tabloid media (which now includes the lamestream press) sells this country out for a juicy story. What we need is REAL Hope and Change... The kind that starts at the ballot box when we fire most every incumbent that is responsible for the mishandling of our country's finances and we investigate and convict them for corruption and for those guilty of it -- TREASON! << That is, if we still elect our candidates and our elections aren't decided for us beforehand.
Hillary should be held to the same standards period. Meanwhile it's ok for her and Obama to rack up accounts of treason and they still aren't being held accountable.
The press will protect her. The fact is anyone in the military would have had at least an article 32 hearing by now
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