Ah yes, "Jody calls," we've all heard them, marched to them, run to them, or called them out in a motivated tone; so, what are some of your all time favorites? As this is an inter-service thread, we want to hear from all of you--Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard, Reserve of each of the above, and the National Guard--so what are your favorite service-specific cadences, and do you have an old standby or trusty go-to cadence? Perhaps it was one that was once popular but somehow fell out of use, or maybe an just an old standard or unique favorite. Please feel free to share any photos, videos, sound files, stories, associated memories, and/or anything else needed to help to tell your story. I'm sure that an old classic or two comes to mind, so "one, two, three, four-or... this is what we're here for-or..." So, pull up a keyboard and let's get this thing started, thank you for all that you do, and... see you all in the discussion threads!
Edited 11 y ago
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 191
SGT Doug Blanchard
Our Top when I was in BCT/AIT hated this cadence song. So our Drulls naturally would use it every chance they got. Even as bad as Top disliked it, you would catch him singing it also if he was participating in the drill with us.
If you have enough breath to belt out a cadence, you're not running fast enough.
PO1 Nicholas J Calandra
"Left my wife...in New Orleans....with 16 kids and a can of beans!" (Ft Jackson)
Drip Drop, Drippity Drop. I knew an NCO who could really belt it out and I sing it in my head every time I'm trying to push through an APFT. :)

ArmyStudyGuide.com provide extensive information about Drip Drop, Drippity Drop (ArmyStudyGuide.com)
SGT (Join to see)
Cadence is what gets me through an APFT. Soldiers just look at me like I am crazy but it must work since my old ass can out run most of them!!!
SSG Hector Brooks
Good Ol' Ardennes.....82nd Abn....!!! Jungle Boots that look like glass....No one is more professional then I !!!
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