Posted on May 11, 2015
What's the most lethal vessel in the Navy's modern arsenal?
Responses: 103
Put 22 years Navy and most of it was 4 fast boats and 4 boomers. I say the TRIDENTS considering what it carries and it's capability's
I would say SEA WOLF with tomahawk cruise missles and perhaps nuclear tipped torpedoes. Fast super quiet and armed with most lethal hunter seeking Sonar systems on Earth ?
IMHO, our Submarines followed by the Carrier Air Group. Together they are a formidable force with two different missions.
I'd say the LHD is for its air to ground capabilities, launches l-cacs that travel on water and land carrying marines and luanches aircrafts from its flight deck also has a crew of about 1500
I was Army, so only a spectator here...most powerful single ship is the SSBN, but its role is very limited. Most powerful and versatile weapon in the fleet is the carrier battle group.
That depends on the mission really. For ship to ship combat, I would say either the Arleigh Burke DDG, or the Virginia Class SSN. If you're talking about the ability to do damage inland and project power over the horizon, then you're talking a Carrier or an Ohio Class SSBN. With 14 SSBNs in the fleet (4 were converted to SSGNs) each carrying 24 Trident Missiles, which in turn are each carrying between 8 and 12 MIRVs (depending on the Trident I, or Trident II), The Ohio Class fleet can pretty much end the world all by itself.
Hands down it would be the TRIDENT class SSBN. 24 Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles armed with multiple nuclear warheads makes for one outstanding weapons platform.
Lethal is the wrong question. The right question is what is the most effective ship in the Navy arsenal? Minesweepers are not lethal in the slightest, but their effectiveness at keeping the straight of Hormuz clear for shipping absolutely vital. Unlike the LCS, which is poised to be the worst example of mission creep and ineffective congressional bloat ever...
The most lethal vessel in the U.S. Navy is a vessel with U.S. Navy Seals aboard. This thread is now complete. No other answers are needed.
SSG (ret) William Martin
Before I made that comment, I did consume some adult beverages but I still mean it.
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