Posted on May 11, 2015
What's the most lethal vessel in the Navy's modern arsenal?
Responses: 103
SSBN's and SSGN's as a far second. Their payload far exceeds any other vehicle that has ever been created in the US. They can destroy entire countries and small continents and you will never seem them coming. The true meaning of meaning of silent, but deadly. SSGN's have insane capabilities as well...154 of them.
Okay okay. I was on boomers when I saw a report that listed all combat units and how long they would survive in an all out nuke war. Boomers were towards the bottom of the list. Once that first missile is launched you are targeted with a return missile. The #1 for survivability, remember this includes the entire military, was the fast attack submarine. Listed as "indefinite" it would all depend on the crew.
So in my mind it is the attack submarine. All the weaponry and capabilities make it the deadliest weapon in our arsenal.
So in my mind it is the attack submarine. All the weaponry and capabilities make it the deadliest weapon in our arsenal.
CPO (Join to see)
Really? Anybody ever mention why the CO had a stopwatch in his hand at 1SQ? Actually the probability is pretty high that a few Ohio-class boats would survive (for whatever is left of the planet until nuclear winter wipes everything out), and given the much greater amount of stores that can be carried onboard, and their mission-familiarity with staying at sea for much longer periods of time between stores loads than fast attack subs (even on-mission), an SSBN will easily outlast the fast-attack. Don't forget about atmospheres, too... What's the longest a fast-attack can go without so much as equalizing, much less snorkeling? Because as soon as you pull in that fallout-contaminated air...
PO1 Donald Hammond
There were no Ohio class back when this was written and it was only concerned with surviving the battle, not future survival after the shooting stopped. But the report was part of what drove them to try and have the ripple launch with the Ohio. The thing was that when the first missile breaks the surface the location is known. By the time the 2nd missile was away a missile was being launched back. After the 3rd was fired it was all over for the boomer. Whereas an attack sub would hit and run.
As far as food etc, well, that would all depend on the point in time in the deployment. But in an all out nuke war, would it really matter?
As far as food etc, well, that would all depend on the point in time in the deployment. But in an all out nuke war, would it really matter?
SN Greg Wright
PO1 Donald Hammond - WHoa whoa whoa. You're saying an SSBN can't fire it's entire payload in, say 30 minutes? Because the only country hitting that SSBN after firing is Russia, and that distance takes time to cover, even for ICBM's. That sub would be long gone imo.
The operative word in the question is, of course, "lethal"...And, while I would, as part of the Naval Air component, ike to say Aircraft Carriers fit the billot, there cannot be any argument that submarines are the most-lethal weapos we have. NOTHING screws up one's day quite like a "nuke", eh? I'll say! J~
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