Recent Activity -
Did 13 years in the Navy as a Nuclear Trained Electrician's Mate. Culminated by being senior 1st Class on board USS San Francisco (SSN-711) and E-Div Leading Petty Officer. After the Navy worked for H-POWER (garbage burning power plant in HI) first as Control Room Operator during initial testing and startup and then as Safety Supervisor. Ran my own IT Company. Developer at PHNSY and DBA USPACOM
Web developer in ColdFusion, Database Admin in SQL
Web developer in ColdFusion, Database Admin in SQL
Military Experiences
Jan 1985 - May 1988
E-DIV LPO, Engineering Watch Supervisor.
Jan 1983 - Dec 1984
Nuclear QA Supervisor
Nuclear and standard QA Supervisor.
Sep 1980 - Dec 1982
Nuclear Trained EM1(SS)
Doing nuke stuff. Boring holes in the ocean on strategic detergent patrols.
Jun 1976 - Jul 1980
Nuclear Trained Electricians Mate
Getting qualified in submarines and all my watchstations
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character

Professor of Chaplaincy and Practical Theology at Columbia International University
Endorsed for:
- Overall leadership and character