Posted on Sep 27, 2013
CPT Aaron Kletzing
As the military enters a significant downsizing period, it's important to talk through relevant issues and solutions. &nbsp;Enter your response below, and if it gets the most Up votes, you win a free iPad Mini and we will personally deliver your thoughts to our Advisory Board, which includes retired Generals George Casey and Norton Schwartz, the recent Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force, respectively.<div><br></div><div>Tip: Get all your friends to vote Up your response by the end of the contest on Oct 7, 2013.</div>
Posted in these groups: 702767d5 Downsizing
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Responses: 502
COL Senior Strategic Cyber Planner
I have read several comments.  From my perspective we must make the difficult decisions as to who we keep.  Once we make those decisions, we must invest in the remaining human capital and re-establish the standards that define the greatness of our Military. 
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SSG Marvin Vick
remain much as we all disagree with the downsizing ..remain positive..
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SGT Charlie Steward
I agree with all of those saying that if people want to get out, they should be allowed to leave, after a fashion. Take myself, for example. I have 16 months left in the Army, no inclination or desire to re-enlist. I spend my days trying to herd cats (I.E. Leading Soldiers that I cannot effectively discipline without getting IG/higher leadership called), PMCSing mostly broken vehicles, and hearing how NCOs like myself are being neutered in one way or another so that we cannot effectively lead. Why not let Soldiers like myself leave early so that Soldiers that want to re-enlist can. Perhaps let those of us that want to leave early sign the remainder of our time away to a Soldier that wants to re-enlist. Pretty sure many NCOs (and Junior Soldiers) would see it as an great honor, not to mention a better use of time and dwindling resources, to help a fellow Soldier that couldn't re-enlist because there were no more slots, I know I would. 
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LTC Contractor
We must make sure that we are cutting our ranks of the Older and higher ranking people.  This will create space for the lower ranking personnel to rise and take over.  Change will not come from keeping the higher status quo.
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CPT Lance Cutsforth
The military needs to provide a means for service members to be productively re-integrated into the economy. The military is one facet of our overall nation and economic engine - a facet near and dear to all of our hearts, to be sure, but just one facet.  The downsizing will hopefully keep the best in their fields who want to stay.  Those who leave - either voluntarily or by reduction - need assistance in their transition so they don't simply move from wearing the uniform to the unemployment lines. Downsizing without providing good transition to civilian sector, re-entry training, and interface with civilian employers will only further burden the very nation our soldiers fight to defend.  
Capt Whitney Davis
Capt Whitney Davis
11 y
The military currently has a number of programs for exactly the individuals you define. The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) has been around for many years, and every base I was stationed at had a large variety of services for transitioning veterans.
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SFC Nick Freitas
I think the military needs to focus on lessons learned from what has become the largest COIN effort launched in modern history. UW and COIN will almost certainly be the primary focus of military operations over the next 10-20 years. We need to properly capture that knowledge and have a very honest conversation about what went right and what did not, on our way to establishing a comprehensive strategy for UW and especially COIN operations.
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SPC Christian Sanchez
My personal opinion? I believe the military should get downsize all the shitbags and soldiers who do not care about being in the military. All I see nowadays are dumb soldiers posting pictures of themselves blatantly disrespecting the military. I say get rid of them first. THEN, start working on other soldiers is need be...
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SGT Student Coordinator
Not cut our pay.
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SFC Operations Sergeant

I would have to agree with all who said if they want out, let
them out. Next put the Soldiers back in the positions the civilians are
holding. We spend so much money on these Soldiers; it ends up being a waste.
Next overhaul the recruiting / enlistment and promotion systems. We are at a
point where we can make this a more professional group. Not just by trimming
the fat, but by limiting the crap that is allowed in. Last, don’t make it so
damn difficult to push garbage out of the army. It is easier to involuntarily
separate Soldiers and push them out than it is for someone who failed a UA or
got a DUI.

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SFC Satellite Communication Systems Operator/Maintainer

Sir, I think you pose a good question, but a very broad question.  We are a monstrous machine with a lot of moving parts.  Therefore, there is not a blanket answer for the entire military, or even for a specific branch.  Different levels should focus on different aspects.  With that said, I will throw in my two pennies for some levels(escpecially army). 


The top brass will make or break us (I say us, the warfighter at the tactical levels).  They have some big decisions.  Where will we make our cuts?  How do we determine who gets the axe?  I beleive we can all agree that a major concern regardless of downsizing is the ability to keep quality personnel.  The bottom line is that the military tends to keep those that hack it out and deal with the BS until they hit their 20 years.  Many quality personnel will not stay in because they are not appreciated or they are not challenged, or they are simply a victim of cirumstance.  With the want to decrease numbers even further, we need to ensure that the right people are retained, and the trash is emptied.


At lower echelons, leaders are going to have to continue setting and maintaining standards.  Although nothing matches real battlefield conditions, those with that right shoulder patch need to pass on their experience to some of the new guys that may never know the continued war state we have experienced for the last decade.  This brings me to that lowest level; the junior enlisted.  These are the ones that will have to carry the torch without bottomless pockets that we have experienced during OIF and OEF.  Young leaders and junior soldiers will have to be resourceful and all the time pick the brains of us older folk before we pass that torch.

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