Posted on Sep 27, 2013
CPT Aaron Kletzing
As the military enters a significant downsizing period, it's important to talk through relevant issues and solutions. &nbsp;Enter your response below, and if it gets the most Up votes, you win a free iPad Mini and we will personally deliver your thoughts to our Advisory Board, which includes retired Generals George Casey and Norton Schwartz, the recent Chiefs of Staff of the Army and Air Force, respectively.<div><br></div><div>Tip: Get all your friends to vote Up your response by the end of the contest on Oct 7, 2013.</div>
Posted in these groups: 702767d5 Downsizing
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Responses: 502
SFC Drill Sergeant
As I read through these posts, we are hitting on one issue that has been a sore spot every sense I was in.  The quality of the people we tried to train, and a Spirit of being a team player.  There were many times good people were passed over just to retain an idiot by promotion to the point of incompetence.  In other words a rating they were unable to function in!
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SMSgt Alan Saunders
The military needs to stop being a social experiment and go back to being a lean, mean fighting force.  Repealing DADT, pushing acceptance of homosexual relationships, suppressing respectful Christian expression - all these are distractions for the troops and draining much needed funds.  Giving free leave days to allow homosexuals to get "married" is a huge expense and will be divisive causing a rift between them and other military members who want to marry in the traditional sense.

Put the focus back on mission readiness and training and remove the distractions.
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SGT Leigh Barton
Reviewing all of the comments here I would like to add this to my previous comment, taking advantage of the KISS principle (keep it simple stupid). FOCUS ON THE SOLDIER.  We're in agreement about utilizing service members to replace civilian contractors, about retaining the best, especially career soldiers, those wishing to pursue a career in military service. THE SOLDIER IS THE TOOL WE USE TO GET THE JOB DONE, I for one like a clean rifle and a sharp and well balanced knife.
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SGT Shift Leader
teach the soldiers how to properly disengage the mentality they have been groomed into so that they can better function in a normal society when they are released from duty. provide more time for the people that will be let go so that they can adequately take care of the families they have that have depended on the military as the only source of medical and income. help soldiers find homes before evicting them from what they know... dont send broken people into the normal world with the mentality they have had in the military.. because even when they are no longer employed by the army.. the way the adapt in society after serving is still a reflection of how the military groomed the person... dont let them out with a bad idea that the military did not try to help... so that they can still be "all they can be" even when no longer affiliated with the army!
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SGM 1st Cav Div Command Career Counselor
Ensure that leaders counsel Soldiers regularly from the time of integration into new unit until the time the Soldier/s separates from the service. 
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SGT Michael Le Master

Well I am amazed at the responses here. Most of the response are way off, yes we need to retain our better people and yes accountability is important and yes training is lacking at times and yes or leaders need a clue sometimes but it misses the mark in all cases. We are here for just one thing and one thing only (Fighting) that is what any military is for bottom line. As a combat vet (68 - 73) I have seen what no one should and I know we can do better but it doesn't change what is coming. Looking at the conflicts of the last 25 years it is very clear what we need to make our current and future soldiers in every situation, branch, condition, location, or conflict. (Weapons)

Like I mentioned I am a combat vet from Viet Nam, I know a small force with the right weapons can do the job of a much larger force, having said that taking weapons and advancing them we can make 10 do the job of 100, and that is not an unrealistic figure either, as downsizing continues there is a greater need for more advanced weapons than ever, putting a smaller force into the field with current weapons is a guaranteed way to lose troops, yes todays items are good but I know we can do better and it wont take much to make what we have much better, It will do more than just make us a better fighting force but it will make  the soldiers in the field no matter what the job more likely to come back home. Remember George Patton once said you don't win wars by dying for your country you win them by making the other guy die for his. Those words are so true and anyone who thinks that is not relevant is nuts. Remember what the job of a soldier is and why he exists,  help our smaller force do a better job help the smaller force come home safe and make his job more effective as that will cure our current items of concern ( smaller forces due to smaller budgets) (needing to send less in harms way)(we as former vets need to help the ones there now in any way we can and giving them our experience and knowledge is the most important thing we can give we cant short change them by reducing men and not be able to bring them home because they did not have enough people) make them unbeatable with any amount and it can be done we have the ability we only need the drive and the will. Thank You    

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SFC Barton Boley
I believe the most important is not to become "stigmatized" by the downsizing mentality and techniques. Certain type Soldiers with in leadership levels will develop extreme and immature techniques to remove anyone. This deteriorates the military forces and society.

A more promising and moral approach would be for natural attrition to occur.
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MSG(P) Thomas Finn
Think the most important thing is effective, real world training.
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SPC Jeffrey Grise
i think we need not down size the military at all we need to stop getting rid of our soldiers and the government needs to find other ways to save money to cut the deficit
down sizing seems to weaken the economy they down size and then the vets have no jobs to go to and allot end up on the streets and then we as Veterans and other agency's try to find ways to get them off the streets and jobs for them but i think when the economy is down that veterans suffer the most and to weaken our troops  numbers makes no sense to me then they close bases as well and the land sits there forever and that is just a waste in my mind as well.  keep bases open keep the troops we have in already if they want to down size make a plan of what recruits need to get into the service of there choice.
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SGT Michael Le Master
Well being a combat vet I know that a small force can be very effective given the proper weapons, having said that considering the current battle situations and most of the last few conflict conditions I have to say that because of the downsizing and the future of coming conditions we need just one thing. Upgrades, i.e. A force of ten men with newer more effective weapons and they can be as effective as 50 men, this one item can make the only needed change, better training or leadership will not make it happen, only taking and making one man work as well as three will, and only newer more advanced weapons on all level from armor to hand weapons will do it. This is not rocket science you just have to have been there. Thank You
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