Posted on Aug 10, 2018
SGT Jennifer Rixe
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Responses: 11
MAJ Corporate Buyer
I know that meme is supposed to be funny but in reality, those soldiers could have been seriously injured. I mean come on, not a single PT belt can be seen anywhere! It's a wonder they're not already dead.
SPC Greg Barnett
SPC Greg Barnett
6 y
My question is where did the PT belt will come from because when I was in especially in a combat zone even though leadership thought it was stupid I mean you're in country if you're worrying about stupid things like a PT belt the bureaucracy and how the military has changed is why I hated it they can keep their reenlistment bonus
MAJ Corporate Buyer
MAJ (Join to see)
6 y
SPC Greg Barnett - I have no idea where it came from. It's not a terrible idea for ruck marches and PT that's being done on roads at night where cars are driving. But it's gotten to the point where it has become the defining factor between life and death. It's crazy.
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TSgt David L.
Hahaha This guy is why we had safety briefs!
Carey Boles
Carey Boles
6 y
Looks legit to me....
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LTC Jason Mackay
Edited 6 y ago
SGT Jennifer Rixe the entire 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (NTC OPFOR) had a no notice Safety Stand Down day of round robin safety training after a tank commander, as part of his retirement-last rotation extravaganza, decided to jump (actual air was attained) Barstow Road in his M551 VISMOD T-72. He failed to look left and right before doing so. What he did not see was that Lead 6, the Commanding General, was approaching and legend has it that he damn near hit his M998. Hilarity did not ensue.

In addition to the epic scream fest, the TC smashed his face into the butterfly on the .50 caliber on the landing. He required lots of medical treatment. Loader, gunner, and driver were all braced. No one died so we can laugh a little bit.
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SGT Jennifer Rixe - the most ironic 'Safety Brief' was when there was another NTC incident, a Class A Fatality from a BLUFOR unit that had a young soldier driving a 5K tanker by themselves at night. Troop had earbud type things on. If I remember correctly, no seat belt, nor helmet. Rolled the tractor trailer combo and was killed. The response was to suspend the rotation and have Blue and OPFOR conduct a day of safety training. Now this decision got made in the middle of the next day and ALL OPFOR were to return to Garrison to do this. By the time we got the decision, tore down field sites, and accounted for people and sensitive items, it was about 2200. So due to an unsafe road movement in limited visibility, we had to double down on that and do a rush-rush, unplanned second road movement in limited visibility with everything in the RSA and two units doing METL training. Just struck me as stupid in light of why we were going back in the first place. We RPed at the motorpool at about 0100.
SGT Jennifer Rixe
SGT Jennifer Rixe
6 y
We talked a lot of crap too but never did anything too terribly crazy either....
LTC Jason Mackay
LTC Jason Mackay
6 y
SGT Jennifer Rixe Check your RP message.
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
MSG (Join to see)
6 y
Damn Blackhorse Troopers. Always doing crazy stuff. Some of the crazy things that happened while I was there.....oofdah
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