Posted on Jun 12, 2015
SSG Thomas Brousseau
Is control of the Congress and the White House by the Repulicans necessary to achieve the mission to destroy Isis? What are your thoughts?
Posted in these groups: Isis logo ISISC842160b Foreign Policy
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Responses: 14
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Edited 10 y ago
Actually declare war. Not "Authorize Use of Military Force." Declare War.

If "we" want to equivocally end a threat, we need to limit the number of hands that can influence the decision making process. Declaring War does that. It changes this from a Legislative Power into an Executive Power.

We can't have a "Board of Directors" second guessing the CEO every time public opinion sways. We can't have a constantly changing set of representatives (every 2 years) influencing that decision.

What war have we had that has taken less than 2 years? We can't even ramp up for a war in 2 years. Conflicts yes. War no. Wars are dirty nasty things that take TIME to resolve.

Having the Legislative branch involved in this is figuratively too many chefs in the kitchen.
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
10 y
You can't declare war against an ideology ...Daesh is a non state actor and for all that's holy, don't rearm the Iraqis....
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
LTC Bink Romanick They are a "Force" however, and you can declare war against an "organization."
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
10 y
Look at international law and our own laws. It's a non state actor ergo no declaration of war. You can conduct ops against them..with congressional approval under the War Powers Act.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
10 y
LTC Bink Romanick The Constitution doesn't specifically restrict War to States. Legislation might, but legislation can be altered in the same Declaration of War.

"To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water;" (Art 1, Sect 8, Clause 11).

As it is not restricted, it is allowed.
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Cpl Anthony Pearson
We need someone, Democrat-Republican-Libertarian-Whatever, who exudes strength, intelligence, and for the love of God, common sense. Someone who represents the actual needs of this country, and puts America FIRST before their bank accounts and other special interests.

Someone real.

We need someone who will be decisive and enable our military commanders and troops to actually perform their mission without DUMB-ASS-RESTRAINTS.
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COL Jean (John) F. B.
SSG Thomas Brousseau

We have to get a President and Administration who are more interested in actually protecting the United States, its citizens and its allies more than winning elections or "fundamentally transforming" our country.

We have to get a Congress that truly wants to support the military and win the wars we fight.

We have to get the military leadership to do what it takes to win, to include having the moral courage to stand up to the civilian "leadership" when they know they are wrong.

We have to regain the trust and respect of our allies and enlist their help in this battle.
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