Posted on Mar 5, 2019
What Physician Assistant Schooling opportunities does the army offer?
What opportunities does the army offer for Physician Assistant schooling? I am currently a biology student and cadet about to graduate.
I’ve heard murmurs of a Captain’s career course later on, where you repay the army with additional years of service. Are there any other opportunities you know about (maybe something I could do a bit sooner)?
I’ve heard murmurs of a Captain’s career course later on, where you repay the army with additional years of service. Are there any other opportunities you know about (maybe something I could do a bit sooner)?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
Many schools. There are different types of schools. You have your career development like BOLC, CCC (Captain's Career Course), ILE etc. You have the Hooah, general army schools like Arborne, Air Assault, Ranger etc. And your clinical courses like Combat Casualty Care Course (C4), Tactical Combat Medical Care (TCMC), Global Medicine Course, Medical Management of CBRNE patients, and many more. There is also an option to do continuing education and obtain certs and DSci. Degrees in EMPA, Gen Surgery, orthopedics, ENT and a few others. Depending on component Active, Guard, or Reserve, your unit's mission and funds, and how squared away you are determined which schools you can go to.
Cadet SGT (Join to see)
Right, thank you. I am familiar with most of these, I’m specifically looking for avenues to pursue Physician Assistant schooling.
Cadet SGT (Join to see) there are two paths I know of. Become a PA on your own is then join, or IPAP.

Physician Assistant Program trains Soldiers for careers in medicine
FORT CAMPBELL, Kentucky -- Two Blanchfield Army Community Hospital Soldiers graduated from the Interservice Physician Assistant Program and were commissioned into the Army Medical Specialist Corps during a ceremony on Fort Campbell, Friday, Jan. 26.
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